There are a lot of people talking about this story, but the part that stands out to me is the part about Mark Zuckerberg paying hundreds of millions of dollars, which magically put the control of our elections in his hands. I’m sure this was not his intent …. ????
If this does not outrage you nothing will. The government is clearly not nearly as powerful as Mark Zuckerberg and that same government either lacks the desire or influence to do anything about this.
In my opinion, Zuckerberg should be arrested and interrogated for bankrolling this type of BS.
Is there a sane person on this planet who thinks Zuck spent 400,000,000 on ‘election integrity’? Hell no, he spent the money to control the outcome, let’s be serious. Sociopaths don’t spend 1/2 a billion dollars to make things better, they spend the money to make things THEIRS.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘A new study coming out of Wisconsin confirms that former top Democrat operative Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein was given keys to the KI Center ballroom in Green Bay, Wisconsin where absentee ballots were stored and counted for days prior to the election.
New emails confirm this development in the battleground state.
Wisconsin already had its election issues.’
Wisconsin Spotlight reported:
Here’s what the emails and Wisconsin Spotlight’s investigation found:
-A former Democratic operative, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, served as a de facto elections administrator and had access to Green Bay’s absentee ballots days before the election
-Spitzer-Rubenstein asked Green Bay’s clerk if he and his team members could help correct or “cure” absentee ballots like they did in Milwaukee.
-Green Bay’s clerk grew increasingly frustrated with the takeover of her department by the Democrat Mayor’s staff and outside groups.
-Brown County Clerk Sandy Juno said the contract stipulated that Spitzer-Rubenstein would have four of the five keys to the KI Center ballroom where ballots were stored and counted.
-Brown County’s clerk said the city of Green Bay “went rogue.”
-Election law experts said the city illegally gave left-leaning groups authority over the election.
MADISON — When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife handed out hundreds of millions of dollars last year for a national safe voting initiative, the “donation” was heralded as vital support to “protect American elections” and to “bolster democracy during the pandemic.”
But what the grant money really purchased in battleground states like Wisconsin was the infiltration of the November presidential elections by liberal groups and Democratic activists, according to hundreds of pages of emails and other documents obtained by Wisconsin Spotlight.
In the city of Green Bay, which received a total of $1.6 million in grant funding from the Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, a “grant mentor” who has worked for several Democratic Party candidates, was given access to boxes of absentee ballots before the election. Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Wisconsin State Lead for the National Vote at Home Institute, in many ways became the de facto city elections chief.
The emails show Green Bay’s highly partisan Democrat Mayor Eric Genrich and his staff usurping city Clerk Kris Teske’s authority and letting the Zuckerberg-funded “grant team” take over — a clear violation of Wisconsin election statutes, say election law experts.
And the liberal groups were improperly insinuating themselves into the election system and coordinating with what became known as the “Wisconsin 5,” the state’s five largest communities that split more than $6 million in Zuckerberg money. Read the rest here.
This reminds me of what the Linkedin CEO did in the Alabama Senate race, using the EXECT same techniques that the Democrats said ‘Russian hackers’ used to put Trump over the top to get Doug Jones over the finish line.
These tech oligarchs are out of control. They are more powerful than the federal government. The only chance we have is a red state’s AG going after the Speech Cartel for these crimes against our nation. At some point this becomes treason, IMHO.