By Dean James AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Most Americans are outraged about the illegal invasion at our southern border including us here at AFF.
Here we have a group of Black Americans voicing their concern for OUR women in children here in AMERICA!
We have our own homeless, our own hungry and sick to help-we can’t afford to take care of the rest of the world!
One woman said- “It’s just too much! We’ve already got starvation and kids walking around with no shoes! We are already dealing with that in America! We don’t need other people’s kids to bring more problems.”
Warning-there is some foul language.
Americans should come first! Watch the video!
What is the point of having a country if we are not going to take care of each other first. If everyone in the country is taken care of and we have extra, let the people decide for themselves where those resources should go.
However, it is wholly unfair to those in this country who are suffering to keep letting illegals flood across the border and take opportunities from Americans.
This is exactly what people are talking about when they say the Democratic Party uses the black community as props and pawns.
They only pretend to care about struggling black American when they need their votes, as soon as the election is over they throw them under the bus in search of a new class to turn into their base.
It’s disgusting and Americans deserve better!