It feels like 20 years that we have been on pins and needles waiting for conflict to break out between Iran and Israel, Saudi Arabia and or the United States.
Netanyahu has been warning about Iran and their nuclear program for decades. I’m sure you will remember his speech, complete with his ‘bomb time table’ chart:
Last week Biden decided to bomb Iranian backed forces in Syria … prompting many furious Americans who are not excited about another ‘forever war’ over resources we could just pull out of the ground domestically.
The event also produced a LOT of good memes, for instance:
This one was my favorite, it is referencing the $2,000 stimulus checks Biden hooked winked America to thinking were coming as soon as he took office.
Well, clever memes, death and destruction are not the only things to have happened as a result of Biden’s actions, suggests Netanyahu.
One has to assume that if Iran did do this, which would not surprise me, it was in some way related to Biden’s strike on Syria.
Fox News reported:
‘Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday accused Iran of attacking an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman last week, a mysterious explosion that further spiked security concerns in the region.
Without offering any evidence to his claim, Netanyahu told Israeli public broadcaster Kan that “it was indeed an act by Iran, that’s clear.”
“Iran is the greatest enemy of Israel, I am determined to halt it. We are hitting it in the entire region,” Netanyahu said. Iran promptly dismissed the charges.
The blast struck the Israeli-owned MV Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged roll-on, roll-off vehicle cargo ship, as it was sailing out of the Middle East on its way to Singapore on Friday. The crew was unharmed, but the vessel sustained two holes on its port side and two on its starboard side just above the waterline, according to American defense officials.
The ship came to Dubai’s port for repairs on Sunday, days after the blast that revived security concerns in Mideast waterways amid heightened tensions with Iran.
Iran has sought to pressure the U.S. to lift sanctions on Tehran as President Joe Biden’s administration considers options for returning to negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program. Biden has said repeatedly the U.S. would return to the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers that his predecessor, Donald Trump, withdrew from in 2018 only after Iran restores its full compliance with the accord.
The explosion on the Israeli-owned ship last week recalled the tense summer of 2019, when the U.S. military accused Iran of attacking several oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman with limpet mines, designed to be attached magnetically to a ship’s hull. The Gulf of Oman leads through the narrow Strait of Hormuz, a vital passage for the world’s oil supplies. Tehran has denied the accusations that it was behind the limpet mine attacks.’
Biden and Kerry are planning on giving Iran everything they want, including reinstating the insane deal Obama made with the rogue Islamic Republic. In oder to get away with this without the America people going bananas, I would guess Joe wants to cause some misdirection, leading people to think he is really being hard on Iran.
I don’t know much, but if I do know one thing, it would be that Netanyahu would do best NEVER to trust a word that Biden says …