We, along with everyone else who is paying attention (including our readers no doubt) have been warning about this happening for a long time now. Well, the time is already here, and all before Joe Biden gives a real press conference.
The United States Military has been turned into the Red Brigade. We have SJW’s in leadership positions, and have for some time now.
When Obama was in office there was a lot of talk of all the military leaders he fired and the radical leftist idols who replaced them. This is a classic Marxist move. Hitler made similar moves. Factor this in with the locking down of the Capitol and 5 years of dehumanizing conservatives and it’s easy to see how Biden’s puppeteers intend to use the military against the American people.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘An official US Military Twitter account trolled and attacked civilians this weekend and referred to Fox News host Tucker Carlson as a “boomer.”
The term “boomer” is used to dismiss ‘out-of-touch’ statements made by baby boomers.
Earlier this week US Military Brass carried out a coordinated attack on their latest foe — FOX News host Tucker Carlson.
This came after Tucker Carlson mocked the military and Joe Biden for the important new program focusing on “maternity flight suits” for pregnant women flying military planes.’
The entire leftist, forget it, let’s call them what they are, the entire Marist power structure helps build a straw man, suggesting that Tucker was criticizing women in the military … which is absolutely NOT what he said.
Just look at the absurd lies Twitter was trying to program it’s dying user base with:
Tucker made fun of the idea of ‘maternity flight suits’, … do you know why? Because it’s a ridiculous idea. Pregnant women are the most important members of our society, without them the human race ceases to exist.
However, the left is always telling us how ‘not only women can get pregnant’ …. so what type of racist/xenophobic/scum must you be to assume Tucker was talking about women we criticizing maternity flight suits? Look lefties, you made the rules, so live by them.
The GWP went on:
‘Command Senior Enlisted Leader of United States Space Command, Scott H. Stalker, took time from his day to lash out at Tucker Carlson for mocking the nonsense coming from the left today.
Then the official US Marine Corps Twitter account piled on “boomer” Tucker Carlson, Fox News and attacked civilians for daring to use their First Amendment rights.
“What it looks like in today’s armed forces Tucker Carlson. Get right before you get left, boomer,” the US Marines said in a tweet.’
‘When civilians expressed their concerns over a politicized military, the official government account responded by trolling and attacking Americans.
One civilian responded with, “Please focus on China and not Tucker Carlson.”
“Come back when you’ve served and been pregnant,” the US Marine Corps account retorted.’
The partisan in charge of the military Twitter account tried to backpedal after major backlash.
We are human and we messed up. We intended to speak up for female Marines and it was an effort to support them. They are a crucial part to our corps and we need them to know that. We will adjust fire and ensure the utmost professionalism in our tweets.
— II MEF Information Group (@iimigofficial) March 13, 2021
Retired Army Colonel Kurt Schlichter responded to the civilian attacks.
Excuse me @CMC_MarineCorps, but did you authorize a waiver of the political activity regs?https://t.co/er4i16RSK2
If not, maybe you need to instill some discipline in your organization because your Marines appear to be ignoring your regs. https://t.co/z6dljfG0jN
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) March 13, 2021
This is how liberty dies. It could not be more clear that this government no longer represents its people, nor does it work towards the interests of all Americans. If you ever wondered what kind of people would enlist in the military just to turn on their own people … you just witnessed that very thing beginning to happen.
Expect the attacks to escalate. Prepare to be persecuted.