Just when you thought the establishment RINOs could not be more out of touch, attacking Trump and kowtowing to the left, Paul Ryan does this and complete destroys my faith in humanity.
How Paul Ryan does not understand that he is one of the least liked, least respected, men in the entire political establishment, I do not know. People were literally stopping watching Fox News when it was announced he was appointed to its board.
After failing to sabotage President Trump in 2016, Ryan was pushed out of Congress. Now, for some reason he thinks he is a ‘king maker’ … for RINOS … and against Trump’s influence.
This entire premise is just laughable …
Trending Politics reports:
‘Former Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan may have left Congress, but he remains an influential figure behind the scenes.
The Wisconsin Republican was adored by the media and beloved by the lobbyists, but Ryan frequently clashed with President Donald J. Trump and chose to move to the private sector before the 2018 midterms.
Ryan is a diehard RINO whose primary loyalty is to the swamp, a major factor that contributed to his often contentious relationship with the former POTUS.
Now Ryan is getting back into politics by hosting a fundraiser for Rep. Liz Cheney, who has faced severe blowback for throwing in with Democrats for their second impeachment of Trump that failed miserably.
The online event which will take place later this month will seek support to save Cheney from a primary challenge in her Wyoming district that seeks to oust her from the House next year.’
You mean to tell me that a pro-war and pro-amnesty RINO who is hated by Republican voters is supporting another pro-war and pro-amnesty RINO who is also hated by Republican voters? I’m shocked!
Liz Cheney and Paul Ryan are a match made in swamp heaven!!! https://t.co/GKqsVHIOzb
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 5, 2021
Via Breitbart News, “Paul Ryan Plots Fundraiser for Liz Cheney: ‘Royalty in the Swamp’”:
The fundraiser, a “virtual event,” is slated for Thursday, March 25 at 11 a.m. eastern. The invitation asks donors to give “suggested contributions” of $2,900 to “attend,” or $5,800 to be a “co-host” of the Ryan-Cheney event.
Another interesting detail from the fundraising invitation is that the “Liz Cheney for Wyoming” campaign address to which donors are asked to make checks payable to is in Alexandria, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, DC. The fact that Cheney’s campaign is headquartered in the nation’s capital rather than in the state she purports to represent is something her primary challengers will almost surely use against her.
The news is significant because Cheney is facing multiple primary challenges after she voted to impeach now former President Donald Trump. Trump called her and her fellow Republican impeachment conspirators out in his speech this past weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), naming all 17 House and Senate Republicans who voted to impeach or convict him and saying they need to be removed from office.
A failed RINO VP candidate for Romney (man was that one s****y ticket!) and Dick Cheney’s wife … what could possibly go wrong?
What will it take for these people to realize they are no longer welcome in the conservative party. We are awake to your con of pretending to be a spokesperson for our interests while you line your pockets with shackles and your coffers with power, all on our dime.
There’s a new sheriff in town and his name is TRUMP.