So let me get this straight, we are apparently living in a nation where citizens elect their peers to SERVE our interests, right?
So, what could these ‘leaders’ and ‘elected officials’ be planning, or have done, to think that they need to spend $2,000,000,000.00 of YOUR MONEY to protect themselves … from you?
What could the be up to that they think they will need a security budget that amounts to nearly $4 MILLION PER MEMBER OF CONGRESS?
I think I have an idea … this graphic may have something to do with it:

We are getting close and closer to the terrifying part of this list. The only thing stopping them at this point is our guns!
Newsmax is reporting:
‘Congressional leaders are putting together a $2 billion special funding bill to strengthen security at the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection, according to multiple people familiar with the plan.
The discussions and drafting of the legislation aren’t finished and the total is approximate and subject to change, said two officials familiar with the talks, who asked for anonymity because the plans aren’t final.
There is no set timing for release of the plan and a vote on the funding. The security measures are expected to include some type of permanent fencing around the Capitol, additional officers for the Capitol Police force, improved emergency communications and weaponry, as well as enhanced protections for lawmakers.
Some of the improvements were recommended in in a top-level security review led by by retired Army Lieutenant General Russel Honore released last week to prevent another breach of the Capitol.
The size of the proposal was reported earlier by Punchbowl News.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has previously said there would be extra funding sought for security improvements.’
It’s not hyperbole to point out that these are the exact actions that banana republics take as they devolve into totalitarian, genocidal nightmares. Buckle up America, we are not even 3 months into this sh*t show, these tyrants are just stating to warm up.