This one comes to us from our friends at AFF
In a vote of 227 to 203, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed the “Background Checks Act” to prohibit private firearms transfers without first having a background check. Many more gun control measures are scheduled to be reviewed by the House as well.
Some Republicans actually joined the dems in the gun grabbing agenda.
Below is the list of traitors.
From Duncan Smith at The National Sentinel –
Thank goodness Donald Trump is taking over control of the Republican Party.
The Republican Party needs his America-first conservatism.
When he launched his bid for the GOP nomination in June 2015, few conservatives believed that he was genuinely one of them.
After all, he was a Hollywood reality TV star and billionaire from left-wing New York.
But boy, did he show us.
And in showing us, Trump also helped expose the phony ‘conservatives’ — not RINOs per se, just traitors to their professed political philosophy.
They continue to show themselves, as well.
Democrats are pushing new gun control like they said they would.
They have no choice; they may only have less than two years left to control Congress.
Republicans — real ones, anyway — do not need to be helping Democrats pass one iota of gun control.
Because Democrats won’t stop once they start.
And yet, eight ‘Republicans’ — some whose names you’ll recognize — voted with Democrats Thursday to impose a scheme that amounts to the first step in creating a national gun registry, which then will lead to confiscation down the road.
Conservative Brief reports:
The Democrat-led House on Thursday passed a gun control bill to expand background checks with a vote of 227-203.
Eight Republican lawmakers voted with the Democrats to pass the ‘Background Checks Act,’ which prohibits private firearms transfers without having a background check.
Below are the 8 Republicans who voted with Democrats:
Vern Buchanan (FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Maria Salazar (FL)
Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Chris Smith (NJ)
Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)
Republicans are warning the gun bills would impose bureaucratic burdens on law-abiding gun owners without addressing the avenues through which guns fall into the hands of people who misuse weapons. READ MORE AT AMERICA’s FREEDOM FIGHTERS