It looks like Nancy Pelosi finally figured out who bought and paid for all those illegals storming across our Southern border in brand new ‘BIDEN’ campaign t-shirts … you’ll never guess who was behind it …

Gee, I wonder who paid for these ‘migrants’ t shirts … with the Biden logo on them … HMMMMM
According to Pelosi, this was all Trump’s fault.
No, the ‘Speaker’ (what an ironic name for a woman who can’t even get a solid sentence out of her mouth) did not accuse Trump of paying for the t-shirts, I guess even she thinks enough of Democrat voters to know they wouldn’t buy THAT.
However, she is claiming that Biden inviting illegals in at record pace with the promise of amnesty and free goodies, in the form of your hard earned tax dollars, is Trump’s fault.
Fox News ‘reported’:
‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pointed fingers at former President Donald Trump, insinuating that he’s to blame for the crisis at the border during an appearance on ABC News’ “This Week” Sunday.
“This is a humanitarian challenge to all of us,” she said. “What the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border and they are working to correct that.”
Biden’s latest correction, announced Saturday by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, includes a government-wide effort to house migrant children with support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as numbers continue to rise.
The speaker confirmed there are nearly 600 to 700 more migrant children currently approaching the southern border which triggered the president’s directive to send FEMA to facilitate the transfer of kids from border care facilities and into safe homes.
“This, again, is a transition from what was wrong before to what is right,” she explained.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls the surge of migrant children crossing the Southern border "a humanitarian challenge," adding that the Biden administration has inherited a "broken system at the border."
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) March 14, 2021
Pelosi said the Biden administration is attempting to uphold the standards of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program by putting in place a system that accommodates and respects it while ridding the nation of what the administration considers Trump’s “cruel” approach.’
I can not figure it out. Are there people who read this and think ‘yeah, that makes sense’. The border was under control, a wall was going up, we had a deal with Mexico to help stem the tide and then Biden comes in and invites the entire world to America, to skip the immigration line, skip the Covid tests and get on public assistance, and the fact that 100,000 or so people are flooding across the border a week is TRUMP’s fault?
You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that. I know there are so dumb people in the country, but 80,000,000? Yeah, I think not, this is the USA, not just So Cal.
I think Trump explained it best when he said :
“We ended Catch-and-Release, shut down asylum fraud and crippled the vicious smugglers, drug dealers and human traffickers,” Trump wrote. “The Wall, despite horrendous Democratic delays, would have easily been finished by now, and is working magnificently.”
Trump finished by writing: “Our country is being destroyed at the Southern border, a terrible thing to see!”