Little has changed since the Civil War, which resulted in the freeing of the Democrat’s black slaves.
Still to this very day there are millions, tens, if not hundreds of millions of people on the left who believe they still own black people. However, instead of thinking they are entitled to their labor, they believe they own the votes of everyone in the black community.
Nothing is more sad than to see a guy like Don Lemon, someone who has had every advantage in life, make sure disgusting comments. The arrogance and hate that Lemon exudes really irks me.
Luckily for me (and you) Republican Senator Tim Scott is not putting up with Lemon’s latest attacks on black conservatives and really, the entire black community.
Fox News reported:
‘Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., said there are always some people at their “wit’s end” over African American conservatives speaking their minds, in response to a recent rant against him by left-wing CNN anchor Don Lemon.
Reacting on “America’s Newsroom” to Lemon shouting at him for saying “woke supremacy” was as bad as white supremacy, Scott said both have their roots in racism and discrimination.
“It was the woke supremacists, by the way, who said that me and Herschel Walker were the coon squad,” Scott said. “If you watch the folks who are yelling the loudest right now, it includes people who are at their wit’s end because there are African-Americans willing to speak their minds from a conservative perspective.
“Why that requires people to threaten my life, to have a security detail because I decide to stand up for my values, my convictions based on my faith, I don’t understand that. Don Lemon can say whatever Don Lemon wants to say. Until he has taken a serious look at what’s happening on his side of the aisle and come out strong against that, we’re going to continue to have a conversation in America that keeps us divided and not building a bridge so that we can live in this nation together.”
Scott, the Senate’s lone Black Republican, also took a hit from MSNBC’s Joy Reid last week. Essentially calling him a token, Reid said he provided a “patina of diversity” to a GOP press conference opposing a dramatic increase to the minimum wage. Reid, who has a history of penning bigoted blog posts, neglected to play a clip of Scott speaking at the event, instead focusing on his skin color.’
Now that was spot on! Tim Scott is a perfect example of the American Dream. It’s great to know that at least half the country still judge people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
We need more strong, proud Americans like Tim Scott in Washington if we are ever going to save this government from going full commie … it’s an uphill battle, but one that we can not afford to lose.