When you study the stages of genocide it becomes exceedingly obvious that the intention of the left and their friends in the media and Hollywood, is to dehumanize, and eventually eradicate anyone who does not fall in line with their global technocracy.

We are getting close and closer to the terrifying part of this list. The only thing stopping them at this point is our guns!
Reading that list still gives me chills. Especially when our ‘elected’ ‘leaders’ are spewing this type of divisive BS:
The Gateway Pundit is reporting:
‘Stolen elections have consequences.
Biden and Harris traveled to Georgia to talk about the ongoing threats and violence against the Asian-American community in the wake of shootings at massage parlors that left several Asian women dead.
Kamala Harris trashed America as a racist and xenophobic country during a speech in Georgia on Friday.
Harris also took a veiled shot at Donald Trump, suggesting he spread hate about Asians.
“Racism is a real in America. And it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been…The last year we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans. People with the biggest pulpits spreading this kind of hate,” Harris said.
Kamala Harris also brought up the Japanese internment camps in the US, but she failed to mention the executive order to put people of Japanese descent into camps in the 1940s was drawn up by FDR, a Democrat president.’
VP Harris speech: “Racism is a real in America. And it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been…The last year we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans. People with the biggest pulpits spreading this kind of hate.” pic.twitter.com/DBadKdcfx8
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) March 19, 2021
She also failed to mention that the man accused of the disgusting mass murder’s motivations and they had nothing to do with race.
In fact Reuters reported that his former roommate stated:
‘Tyler Bayless, 35, told Reuters that he spent several months living in an Atlanta halfway house for recovering addicts with Robert Aaron Long, 21, who was charged on Wednesday with eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault in the Tuesday night shootings.
Bayless, who says he was being treated for drug addiction, said he was in a halfway house named Maverick Recovery with Long in late 2019 and early 2020, and last saw Long last February. He said Long had been treated for sex addiction and that he frequented massage parlors “for explicitly sexual activity.”
Bayless said Long was “deeply religious” and would become “very emotionally distraught that he frequented these places.”
“In the halfway house he would describe several of his sexual addiction ‘relapses’ as he called them. He would have a deep feeling of remorse and shame and say he needed to return to prayer and to return to God,” he said.’
The rest of the Reuters article goes on too try oh so hard to insinuate that race COULD have been a motivation … but it wasn’t.
Fox News published an article entitled: ‘Atlanta shooting suspect tells police attacks not racially motivated, was purportedly driven by sex addiction’
”Atlanta massage parlor shooting suspect Robert Aaron Long took “responsibility” for the string of Tuesday night attacks that left eight people dead and another person injured, authorities said Wednesday.
Police officials said the investigation is ongoing, but the events were not believed to have been racially motivated. Instead, they believe Long opened fire because he saw the locations as “an outlet for him” to succumb to purported sex-addiction temptations, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Jay Baker said during a news conference.
“He apparently has an issue, what he considers a sex addiction, and sees these locations as …. a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate,” Baker said. ‘
Seeing as the media, and Biden Administration’s #1 goal is dehumanizing anyone who disagrees with Trotsky’s ideal of a global communist super state, of course they blame Trump, and imply everyone who supported Trump is a terrible, less than human racist, who it’s OK to carry out violence against.
However, when you drill down into the facts, it turns out that race had nothing to do with the attack, if anything it sounds like the alleged shooter had a thing for Asian women.
Then, when you drill down into the facts, it turns out that it’s not those ‘evil white Trump supporters’ who perpetrate the majority of violence against Asians, despite being the majority of the population …
Bureau of Justice statistics for 2018. https://t.co/kjEF65QT6K pic.twitter.com/nWFbusOa9v
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) March 17, 2021
It turns out that 20% or so of the population is responsible for 27% of violence against Asians. Of course, this does NOT mean we should condemn all black Americans as racists, or violent, that’s what the left does.
We will keep on judging people based on their actions, not the pigment of their epidermis … even if that’s not fashionable in popular culture these days … Oh, and obviously we condemn the disgusting shootings as we abhor violence.