Just when you thought Nancy Pelosi could not become any more obsessed with power, or that she could not become any more dictatorial in her actions and speech, she does just that. It’s getting to the point that anyone paying attention should be severely concerned about the direction our nation is heading in.
During Trump’s presidency, many people pointed out how Speaker Pelosi began to increasingly act as if she was the Divine Monarch of these United States.
Pelosi is the only Speaker ever to impeach a sitting president twice, strictly on party lines, only to see BOTH attempts fail in the Senate. Most people would be completely embarrassed at their shameful public abuse of power, but not Nancy, she reveled in it.
Pelosi speaks down to the American people each and every day. The most disgusting instance (up until now) IMHO, was when Pelosi snapped at a CNN host claiming that she is the one who feeds and pays the American people:
Of course we all remember the infamous moment when Speaker Pelosi, the 80 year old, power obsessed, denture clicking, caricature of herself tore up President Trump’s State of the Union speech:
The woman is unhinged and sees to truly believe she is the Queen of the United States.
Now, the Daily Caller has posted a clip that lets the nation show the real way this woman thinks:
The Daily Caller tweeted:
‘Speaker Pelosi says it is her “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified’
Speaker Pelosi says it is her “right as Speaker” to seat or unseat any member of Congress she wants even if the election is certified
https://t.co/b6yyJMf1EA— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 25, 2021
Combine this with Biden asking if anyone knew if there would be a Republican Party to run against in 2024 and you start to realize that the Democrats intend on ending the Constitutional Republic that we have known for over 2 centuries, in the next few years.
Never before in American history has the country been in greater peril. The TV always told us that ‘that could never happen here’, well wake up, IT’S HAPPENING HERE, RIGHT NOW!