Ask anyone (who does not watch CNN or MSNBC) what Joe Biden’s mental state is and I guarantee you they express concerns.
It’s beyond obvious that there is something wrong with Mr. Biden. It’s not his fault, he is an older man and has had issues with brain injuries in the past.
However, it is one of the most irresponsible things I can think of to run for the highest office in the land while experiencing these symptoms.
What is even worse is the Democrat Party and their button men and women in the media, not only, not saying anything about it, but spewing propaganda to cover up the danger his mental incapacity poses for, not only the US, but the entire world.
While most people who have worked in the White House are tight lipped, one man has the stones to call things as he sees them. Perhaps that is why he has served 3 Presidents and now is a member of Congress.
Dr. and Congressman Ronny Jackson, pulled no punches in exposing just how bad things are with Joe Biden’s mental and physical health after his infamous fall … up the stairs.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Former White House physician for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and current Texas Representative Ronnie Jackson posted an honest assessment on Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition today on Twitter.
Rep. Ronnie Jackson: I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!
Joe is suffering from dementia and Joe is missing in action.
After his triple-fall on Friday trying to climb the stairs to Air Force One, Joe Biden took the weekend off.’
The CCP has us right where they want us. We have the weakest ‘leader’ since Jimmy Carter, the only difference is over half the country doesn’t think Biden actually won the election fair and square.
The Vice President is a laughing stock … literally, with her witch like cackle. She could not even attain any delegates in the Democrat primary .. and now she is a few heartbeats from the Oval Office.
We are literally under the thumb of a shadow government who is using Joe and soon will use Kamala, as the face to accomplish their radical Marxist ends.
Hold on tight America, things are only going to get a lot worse from here on out …