We all knew that this was going to happen.
The Democrats have been using the Executive and Legislative branches of the United States government to completely overturn every policy that once made America Great.
Fiscal conservatism? BANNED
Secure borders? ABOLISHED
Intervention in foreign wars? RESTARTED
The last frontier left to destroy is the court system, specifically, the Supreme Court. Biden’s handlers are smart enough to know that they can not just do this over night.
First they need to establish a front group that they will pretend is ‘non biased’ to ‘conduct a study’ on the implications. I will bet you my left … anything, that the commission comes back and says that court packing is the only way to save the nation, it must be done … or the US is a racist, xenophobic nation that is full of evil people with light skin.
Aaaaaaand, just like that, 2 months into the train wreck that is Biden’s administration, his people are starting that very process:
“President Biden on Friday will order a 180-day study of adding seats to the Supreme Court, making good on a campaign-year promise to establish a bipartisan commission to examine the potentially explosive subjects of expanding the court or setting term limits for justices, White House officials said,” according to a report from the New York Times. “The president acted under pressure from activists pushing for more seats to alter the ideological balance of the court after President Donald J. Trump appointed three justices, including one to a seat that Republicans had blocked his predecessor, Barack Obama, from filling for almost a year.”
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘According to his executive order issued on Friday, Biden will create a 36-member commission to look into potential consequences of changing the size of the court.
“The issue of whether to alter the size of the court, which has been set at nine members since just after the Civil War, is highly charged, particularly at a moment when Congress is almost evenly divided between the two parties. An attempt by Mr. Biden to increase the number of justices would require approval of Congress and would be met by fierce opposition,” the Times report continues.
The commission will be lead by Bob Bauer, former White House counsel for Barack Obama, and Cristina Rodriguez, who was deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel for Obama.’