Government Corruption

Alert: Biden Brings US To Edge Of Hot War With Russia Over His Pals In The Ukraine

Syndicated Via National File| NATHANIEL LINDERMAN|

On the Sunday morning program ‘Meet the Press’, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken threatened that there would be “consequences” against Russia for their continued military buildup and actions in the Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine.

“As we speak right now, I tell you I have real concerns about Russia’s actions on the borders of Ukraine… President Biden’s been very clear about this. If Russia acts recklessly, or aggressively, there will be costs, there will be consequences,” Blinken warned during the interview.

Blinken also disclosed that he is meeting with European NATO allies to discuss the threat Russia poses. Blinken did not commit to military intervention in the case of an invasion of Ukraine, despite host Chuck Todd accusing the current position on Russia of being “ineffective.”

Both Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are going to Europe this week, according to Bloomberg. Talks of how to counter ‘the Russian threat’ will almost certainly be discussed. Additionally, British Secretary of State Dominic Raab said that he and Blinken have already discussed the issue, declaring that “Our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty is unwavering.

The renewed rounds of sabre rattling against Russia comes amidst a new round of military maneuvers in the region by Russia in the ongoing Donbass War in Eastern Ukraine, where Russia has been aiding pro-Russian rebels in order to eventually annex the territory.

On the campaign trail and in office, Biden promised to stand up to dictators, specifically naming Putin, in contrast to President Trump’s policy of peaceful cooperation and detente with Russia.

The Biden regime is also planning a cyber attack on Russia in retribution for the Solar Winds hack, despite experts suggesting China may be the culprit behind the devastating cyber attack.

Biden and Putin have traded insults in the first 100 days of the new American administration, with Putin recently blasting the Biden regime for “persecuting” what they consider to be “political dissidents” related to the mostly peaceful Capitol Hill protests on January 6.

After Biden called Putin “a killer” on television, Putin responded by challenging Biden to a live, televised debate to foster dialogue between the two regimes. Biden refused, with the White House claiming he’s “quite busy.”

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