Just when you thought the media could not get more duplicitous, they do just that.
For months the Democrats and their Public Relations arm (most people call them ‘the media’) have been trying to paint the events of January 6th as an ‘armed insurrection’. There is just one problem with their narrative, it’s bullish*t. There were no Trump supports who were carrying weapons in the Capitol.
Information Liberation reported: ‘FBI Admits No Firearms Were Seized During Capitol ‘Insurrection,’ Only Shot Fired Was Cop Killing Ashli Babbitt’
The FBI admitted under questioning from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Wednesday that no firearms were confiscated during the so-called Capitol “insurrection,” no one has been charged for having a firearm in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds, and the only shot fired was from a Capitol police officer killing unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt with a bullet to the neck.
Now, imagine if Trump supporters showed up at a Capitol armed to the teeth to try and intimate lawmakers to allow them to rig elections in perpetuity. The media would flip their ****.
Surely you would know if a BLM militia rolled up at the Georgia State Capitol with ‘assault rifles’ and military gear, right? The media would tell us, right? Wrong.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘The Big Media is quick to label the events that occurred in Washington D.C. on January 6th as an armed insurrection, when it was not. But when BLM members bring AK 47’s to the Georgia Capitol, there’s no mention of guns.
The Big Media reported for months that the Capitol protests in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, included armed protesters but to date, there is no evidence of anyone being armed besides the Capitol Police there that day:’
Masked, helmeted private militia carrying AK47s and AR15s showed up today at the State Capitol. You have not heard about it because the gunmen are radical leftists. Imagine the news coverage if one of them was wearing a MAGA cap. pic.twitter.com/4dEatissEk
— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) March 31, 2021
PJMedia reported:
Georgia State Representative Park Cannon returned to the State Capitol on Monday following an arrest on May 25, 2021, for making a scene banging on the door to the office where Governor Brian Kemp was signing the election security bill. How that works out is of little interest to me personally. She is not my state representative and legislators who pull stunts to make themselves the story rather than their accomplishments annoy me.
She claimed that she should be able to watch Kemp sign the bill along with the activists who accompanied her. Cannon could have done that by pulling out her phone and watching on YouTube. She claimed she was arrested for fighting voter suppression when she was actually arrested for refusing to follow the police’s instructions and stomping on one officer’s foot repeatedly. That’s conduct unbecoming her position, in my humble opinion.
Her return was quite a spectacle with a presser and an entourage that garnered additional media attention, including from national outlets like Fox News. There were many pictures on social media and in the press showing the activists supporting her. Here is an example from the ACLU of Georgia:
Images from the escorting of Representative Park Cannon into the state Capitol today. #StandWithPark #protectthevoteGA #gapol pic.twitter.com/bCrKjrguLk
— ACLU of Georgia (@ACLUofGA) March 29, 2021
This is an information war. The left has all the major dissemination outlets at their disposal. Because of this conservatives used social media to get our message out. Now those social media companies who promised us a neutral platform for all ideas are purging anyone with opinion to the right of Mao.
No matter how the left tries to stack the deck, we can not give up, the fate of the planet depends on patriots being able to restore liberty to United States. We can not fail.