Something that most people realize is that even though Joe Biden stopped wall construction, we have to continue to pay the construction companies the same amo0unt for doing nothing as it would cost to continue building the barrier.
That’s right. It costs us six million dollars a day not to build the wall. We could be getting more wall for the same price. We must continue paying these companies until we fulfil the contracts.
When Biden stopped construction for 60 days, it obligated the government to reimburse the contractors for material they ordered and the loss of income for their equipment to sit idle.
That 60, days is up on Sunday March 21st. What happens from her is up to Biden but if wall construction is stopped permanently which I expect it will be we will still have to pick up addition costs.
That means we will haven paid out over $400 million for them not to do any work.
The construction company makes out like fat rats because they have no labor costs and there is nom wear and tear on the machinery or fuel costs either. It’s all profit and Biden is the loss.
I wonder if Biden would pay me if I promise not to build a wall on the border. Maybe I can pick up a few dollars on the side if I agree not to build a strip mall.
In fact, there are a lot of things I would be willing not to build.
The Biden administration has not indicated which direction they will take regarding the end of the pause. Little information concerning the immigration crisis on the border has come from the leadership team within DHS and U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Senior officials within DHS reported being instructed not to speak to national media on the issues facing DHS at the border. Information from other agencies within the new administration is equally elusive. USACE did not respond to a request for information concerning the end of the pause and the border wall contracts currently being evaluated.
As the deadline looms for a decision to be reached, equipment still sits idle. In Eagle Pass, Texas, a 51.9-million-dollar fence contract hangs in the balance. The equipment gathers dust and the contractor still awaits a decision. Other problems appearing along the border may be taking precedent over the status of the border wall contracts.