This story is from 2019 … Joe Biden knew that this day would come. More than that, this suggests that he and his people help orchestrate the war on conservatives the nation is going through … read the man’s words yourself!
True conservatives have no interest in a ‘shooting war’ all we want is to be left alone to tend to our families and make an honest living. We abhor violence and always have. STAY PEACEFUL PATRIOTS! DO NOT LET JOE BAIT YOU INTO THIS TRAP
Right Wing Tribune By Steve Straub at The Federalist Papers
OPINION| Former Vice President Joe Biden has been giving lip service on the campaign trail to working with Republicans, which in turn has earned him a lot of criticism from the anti-Trump Democratic party faithful.
During today’s so called “Poor People’s Summit” Biden doubled down on his position that Democrats have to work with Republicans, or if that’s not possible then as he put it, start a “real physical revolution.”
Transcript Via Mediaite:
MSNBC’s Joy Reid, one of the moderators, told Biden at one point the initiatives he’s proposing would wind up in the Senate, currently run by Republicans. She asked, “How would you get past either a majority-Republican Senate in which Mitch McConnell was determined to kill all of these ideas or even a Mitch McConnell in the minority who repeated the consistent filibustering you had when you were vice president?”
“Joy, I know you’re one of the ones that thinks it’s naive to think we have to work together,” Biden responded. “The fact of the matter is if we can’t get a consensus, nothing happens except the abuse of power by the executive.”
“You have to go out and beat these folks if they don’t agree with you by making your case,” he continued, saying the president should be able to persuade the public
“If you start off with the notion there’s nothing you can do, well, why don’t you all go home then?” Biden said. “Or let’s start a real physical revolution if you’re talking about it. Because we have to be able to change what we’re doing within our system.”
You can shame people to do things the right way,” he added.
You can see the video here
Yes Joe, lets have a real physical revolution. Who do you think would win? NO ONE … other than China and Russia and the rest of our enemies.
Those in America who believe in the Second Amendment and have millions of guns versus those who are unarmed, or even confused as to what gender they are.
Another brilliant idea from Joe Biden. REMAIN PEACEFUL PATRIOTS!