If you were the CCP and you controlled the actions of the ruling regime, is there anything you would do differently? I sure wouldn’t, the Biden Crime Family is doing everything in their power, along with the Democrat Party in its entirety, to bring about the end of America’s greatness.
The regime has sought to undermine the American Republic at every turn, never passing up an opportunity to s*** all over our country.
Look, I’m as skeptical of government as anyone, however, when you ran for and are ‘elected’ to lead a nation, you do not do so by tearing it down. You do not stand up in front of the rest of the world and tell them how terrible your home nation is. You work to make things better and focus on your accomplishments.
However, for the current usurpers in the swamp, when you have no accomplishments, you resort to tearing down those who came before you, those who built the nation that the entire world is dying to get into.
First it was Biden, then Harris, then the United Nations Ambassador, now it’s Attorney General, and bitter failed supreme court nominee, Merrick Garland…
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘US Attorney General Merrick Garland trashed America and parroted CCP talking points during a sit-down interview with ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas.
Merrick Garland trashed America as a racist nation in his first interview since being confirmed as the country’s top law enforcement official last month.
“Look, racism is an American problem,” Garland said in an interview that aired Monday as the Chauvin trial wrapped up.
Racism is an American problem? Has Merrick Garland ever traveled to the Middle East, Africa or East Asia?
“It’s plain to me that there has been and remains discrimination against African Americans and other communities of color, and other ethnic minorities. I think it’s reflected in discrimination in housing and employment and the justice system,” Garland said. “We do not yet have equal justice under law.”
“This is an important part of the role of the Justice Department, to help bring it about,” he added.’
Marxism is America are not compatible, you can have one or the other, not both. I think everyone knows which this regime has chosen …