Joe Biden may be about to make the biggest mistake of his presidency. But, don’t worry, it’s a record he’s surely bound to beat early and often. This latest brainstorm by Biden entails sending lots of cash to El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala and following that up with a vaccine for Covid-19. Even if you buy into the theory that by rebuilding the economies of these countries, fewer people will come to America.
But, just how much money will it take to rebuild those economies? Much more than we can afford to send them. At best the money could be sent as stimulus checks but that would not last long and many would use those checks to set off for this country.
In March about 170,000 illegals were stopped at the border. That is more than in any month of the Trump administration. But probably is less than will get caught in April.
Notice that right after Biden took office, them numbers skyrocketed because of Biden’s promises of leniency for illegal aliens and a plan to grant amnesty to every illegal in the country. Add to that the fact that Rep Louis Gohmert discovered signs directing illegal aliens to government freebies and such. But worse than that, the signs are protected by plastic bags covering the signs belong to the DHS.
But once the illegal aliens reach this country, Joe Biden has created a humanity crises at the border, packing them in like sardines. Many kids complain about hunger and many young girls & boys are being raped. Biden is only worried about getting them into the country via his open borders policies. Once they get here, not so much. The other problem with the Biden plan is how will the money be paid and to whom.
“We’re looking at all of the productive options to address both the economic reasons people may be migrating, as well as the protection and security reasons,” Jacobson said.
Biden has already called for $4 billion in development aid to Central America over the next four years. How exactly does he think throwing more money at the problem will help?
“It’s insulting to the millions of Americans who are out of work or facing despair in our country,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said of the plan.
“They’re bringing millions of people into this country who will now be counted on the census because Joe Biden overturned that, which leads to seats in the House [and] Electoral College in elections,” Homan said. “This is power over public safety; the quest for power over protecting American citizens.”