Could it be any more obvious that the Democrats know their regime is illegitimate? No lawful administration would be working so hard to destroy the Constitution at such a pace. No lawful regime would feel it’s necessary to use the military to defend themselves from their constituents.
This is it for the United States, the ruling regime is now bringing bills that are clearly, on their face, unconstitutional. The reason why is simple, they know the constitution doesn’t matter anymore. This is a Marxist takeover.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘The Democrats thirst for power. They are like Marxists in everything they do at this point.
This is not your mom and dad’s Democrat Party.
These people intend to change America into another sh*thole like Venezuela.
The Democrats have reportedly introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives to get rid of the Electoral College.’
According to the
‘The Electoral College is outlined in Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution. Nonetheless, Democrats have introduced a resolution to abolish the Electoral College. There is no doubt they want to end it, but a resolution carries no weight.
The College gives each state “in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct” electors equal to its representation in Congress.
Abolishing it would take a Constitutional amendment, which would require the votes of two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives, two-thirds of the Senate, and three-fourths of the states…
…The current goal is to stack the courts and abolishing the College at a later time in the not-too-distant future, but it is where they want to go. Democrats definitely plan to stack the lower courts and the Supreme Court is in contention. While Nancy Pelosi says she’s against it, don’t believe her. She sees the anger building and she’s simply tamping it down.’
Clearly this is unconstitutional. However, don’t forget the Democrats are going to add 4 Justices to the Supreme Court. Just like FDR packed the court to pass his unconstitutional ‘New Deal’, the Marxists plan to follow the same illegal, unethical and tyrannical path.
This is a hostile take over of America. It sure looks like the Democrats are going to get away with it too. It also suggests that the allegations about the election not being on the up and up have merit. Only a regime that fears the people, due to their guilt conscience, would be working so hard to consolidate their power, and protect themselves from everyday American citizens.
Remember, the left is surging the border with a million illegals a month. After 4 years they will have imported millions of new voters, and with mail in voting, the corruption of the system will be incredible. All they would need is one state to control all presidential elections going forward, without the Electoral College.
It’s time we start talking about secession. America is too big to succeed, the only solution is for red states to secede.