I know we keep repeating this but it becomes more true each day … PROJECTION is the key to understanding sociopaths, and thus the left. Everything they are guilty of they try to project onto their enemies.
In this instance it’s apparently sexism. CNN pretends to be ‘woke’, yet they keep getting hit by former staffers with allegation of racism and sexism. It’s really a wonder anyone outside of an airport even tunes into CNN any longer.
Fox News reported:
‘On her way out the door, departing CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin is airing grievances about the lack of opportunities for women at the liberal network.
“The most influential anchors on our network, the highest-paid, are men. My bosses, my executives, are men. The person who oversees CNN Dayside is a man, and my executive producer for 10 years is a man. So I’ve been surrounded by a lot of men,” Baldwin said on the Ms. Magazine podcast.
Indeed, CNN is the only major cable news network in America without a female primetime host and many of the network’s high-powered executives are men. Baldwin said she sees the landscape changing as more women appear on cable news, but she mostly teamed with men during her career.
“I was surrounded by a lot of dudes,” she said.
Baldwin, who was taken off the air and replaced by Jake Tapper for the month leading up to the 2020 election, was then asked what male leadership at CNN means when it comes to reporting important stories for women.
“I know I, personally, fight for women’s stories,” Baldwin said, noting she leaves a poster from her CNN series “American Women” hanging in her office as a reminder she was able to complete the project.
“I got told no a lot and I still managed to do it,” Baldwin said.’
This is far from the first time that CNN and their management has been accused of making decisions based on race or gender, nor will it be the last. I do find it kind of …ironic, that CNN and their on air staff are constantly pushing narratives that vilify people based on their race and sex (usually white and male), however, when the shoe is on the other foot it is suddenly a horrific crime.
CNN would have a lot less problems if they just started doing what we do over here on the right … judge people based on the content of their character, not their skin color.
The Wrap reported that “CNN has significantly fewer women serving in visible on-air roles than either Fox News or MSNBC.”
Back in October, right before the 2020 election, Baldwin made a coded Instagram post which alluded to the fact that she was being forced out of her time slot so that one of the most recognizable and least credible members of the CNN fake news team, Jake Tapper (who appears to be a ‘man’, tho I surely do not want to assume his gender) could fill her slot.
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In the description of the post, Brooke included a hint that she was being pushed out the door at CNN, writing:
“As the election gears up, the political maestro @jaketapper will hold down my hour and his for the coming weeks. Wish I was with you, but I’ll see ya on [TV] on the flip side of the election,”
One follower asked, “Why are you taking so many weeks off at such an important time?”
Baldwin’s reply was very telling: “Not my choice.”