Conservative commentator says that the Democrats plan to continue the attack on Christianity started by the most anti-Christian president in history, Barack Obama. He says that their assault on the First Amendment is the first volley in the war against Christianity.
It is not an attack on religion because radical Islamic terrorists still find favor in their party.
The Obama administration tried to force Christian entities to pay for abortions, which of course is against their religious beliefs. Had her been successful (Fortunately success was never part of Obama’s regime) they would have forced Christians to do other things they are inclined not to do because of their belief in God.
Remember, this is the party that booed God at their national convention in 2012.
The Democrats are looking to create a fascist state hoping to make communism more palatable to the American people. The thing is Democrats deny God because they don’t have a prayer of getting into Heaven.
Republicans are very much faithful to God so they can spend eternity in a place Democrats cannot ever gain admittance to. That’s why it’s called Heaven.
Appearing on Newsmax TV’s “The Count” Saturday night with Tom Basile, Horowitz, who is Jewish is predicting that Christians will suffer at the hands of the Democrats.
Gee, that’s like predicting that the sun will rise in the East and set in the West. Or that AOC will spout nonsense or that Joe Biden will raise taxes on the middle class to fund all kinds of crazy liberal nonsense.
Horowitz said the Democratic Party has embraced an anti-Christian agenda that was vigorously implemented by Barack Obama, “the most anti-Christian, most anti-religious president in history.”
“The problem, outside the persecution of any group is bad, is this country was founded on Christian principles,” Horowitz noted.
He said “Dark Agenda” explains that the “values we cherish” began with America’s Christian settlers, who themselves were fleeing persecution in Europe for their beliefs.
Horowitz argues this is the key reason the First Amendment enshrined freedom of speech and conscience, as a bulwark to protect religious freedom – and why those freedoms are “under systematic assault by the Democrat party” today.