I think we all knew that this moment was coming, however, I sure expected it to take longer than this for the slippery GOP ‘leadership’ to turn their backs on President Trump.
Tim Scott is a great candidate, however, no one that I have talked to believes that Joe Biden got 80 million votes. If this is the case and the GOP really gave a flying F about this country, they would be doing everything in their power to ensure the rightful President was seated.
However, they are doing 180 degrees opposite of that, which frankly, comes as no surprise.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
Weakling Kevin McCarthy, the House GOP leader who is afraid of Liz Cheney, and Senator Lindsey Graham spoke with Sean Hannity on Wednesday after Tim Scott’s rebuttal to Joe Biden’s speech.
McCarthy immediately pushed Tim Scott for US President following his 15-minute speech. Lindsey Graham urged FOX News viewers to go Tim Scott’s website and donate to his campaign because he is getting attacked tonight.
And on Newsmax, Sean Spicer plugged Tim Scott as front-runner for the GOP nomination for president after his speech.
It was a clear sign the GOP elites are moving on from President Trump.
That didn’t take long.’
These clowns like Lindsey Graham are forgetting one things … we didn’t need them to get Trump elected and we don’t need them to elect Trump next time. The only person they are sabotaging by turning their backs on Trump is themselves.
We warned you not to trust Lindsey Graham …