The Arizona Senate is finishing up the preparation for the audit of Arizona’s biggest county. All 2.12 million votes will be examined but don’t get your hopes up because Brad Raffensperger did it again.
He has sabotaged the audit and may have delivered a huge win to the Democrats. The Senate wanted to examine the actual ballots but because of Raffensperger, they will only see them comp0uter impressions.
Why is that important? Because a large portion of the mail-in ballots were sent to adjudication. If a ballot that was sent to adjudication was for Trump, the unsupervised employee that got the vote switched it to Biden, that won’t show up on the audit because the impression would show Biden got the vote but if they saw the original ballot, they would know if the vote was changed but that is impossible now.
State Senate President Karen Fann said:
“It’s taken the Senate two and a half months to win in court to uphold our right to issue subpoenas for election materials,” she said, “and another 6 weeks of researching to select the audit team to perform the full forensic audit.”
“The Maricopa BOS has refused to allow us to perform the audit at their facilities, and has gone so far as to refusing to even answer simple questions such as ‘how are the ballots sequestered?’”
We have never accused anyone of fraud or misconduct, whether it be the hardware, software or actions of personnel. We hope there is no intentional illegal tampering but, if found, we will turn the information over to the state and federal attorney generals for their further legal action and we will proceed to make the appropriate corrections.”
The Senate has secured the use of a 20,000 + square foot facility known as the Coliseum, which is located on the State Fair Grounds. Workers are now transporting the equipment and personnel to the site and the audit is scheduled to begin on April 22nd.
Trump lost the state by less than 10,500 votes and it is possible that they could find that many votes during the audit but I’m not counting on it thanks to Raffensperger.
Meanwhile, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers notified Fann in an email earlier this month that the planned audit “is not a joint effort between the County and the Senate Republican Caucus.”
“Maricopa County will not communicate with your vendors or interpret Arizona law for them,” Sellers said, claiming that due to the uncertain legal ramifications of the subpoenaed documents, the county “cannot be involved in supporting your audit as to do so may expose it to liability for which it has no similar legal protection.”
Here is the bottom line … If I were the legit winner of an election, I would welcome a transparent audit. However, if, and only if I had something to hide would I do everything in my power to stop that audit … if done right, I think this audit will be the beginning of the end for the ruling regime.
However, prepare for the left to act even more like cornered rats than they have been … things could get very ugly … very quickly.