he walls are closing in on John Kerry and it looks like he will have to call on his liberal privilege to get out from under this mess.
The State Department tried to cover for Kerry by saying what he told Iran was common knowledge. But Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif indicated that he did not know about it until Kerry told him. This will probably increase the calls for Kerry to step down but the media will give him cover.
The New York Times reported on Kerry leaking the information to Iran but cut it off there. An independent translation shows that Zarif had no prior knowledge before he heard it from Kerry.
If Kerry is forced out it will make it harder for Biden to give away the store to Iran but he will succeed anyway in order to get a nuclear deal that Iran will not honor. Iran knows that Biden can be mugged by first-class mail.
“Kerry told me that Israel had launched 200 airstrikes against you [Iran],” said Zarif. “You didn’t know?” asked his interviewer. “No, no,” he replied.
That undercuts a statement put out by the State Department that claimed it was common knowledge and that the information was not classified. But any communications with a foreign country is privileged so that doesn’t wash.
It would not surprise me if foreign governments start withholding information from the Biden regime in fear it will be leaked.
From the Washington Free Beacon
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), who is spearheading efforts to pressure Kerry into resigning, said, “If this tape is verified, it would signal catastrophic and disqualifying recklessness by Envoy Kerry to Foreign Minister Zarif that endangered the safety of Americans and our allies.”
“John Kerry must resign immediately,” Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told the Free Beacon earlier this week. “The investigation should be retrospective.”
Reps. Lee Zeldin (R., N.Y.), Andy Barr (R., Ky.), and Ann Wagner (R., Mo.), all members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote to the State Department’s inspector general on Wednesday to demand an investigation into Kerry.
Forget resigning. John Kerry has more than likely done things that are 1000x worse than this that we do not know about yet. I’m sure those things are being used to compromise him further.
America is at a crossroads, either we expel the Marxists or we will all die under their tyranny. If you think those words are harsh and fear mongering, I encourage you to read about the tens of millions killed in the name of Marx in the last century or so. Keep in mind, these numbers do NOT include wars against other nations, those are tens of millions of citizens that Marxism killed .. neighbors, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers.
These people are SICK.