Lmao, it’s not everyday that you see Labron James get dunked on … and I don’t think it’s even been done by a woman (on the court that is).
Well, don’t look now but Kim Klacik is hanging on the rim with her business all in ‘King James” face.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Billionaire athlete LeBron James on Wednesday threatened the Columbus police officer who shot 15-year-old knife-wielding Ma’Kiyah Bryant.
LeBron James posted a photo of the police officer and said, “YOU’RE NEXT” with an hourglass sand clock emoji.
James later took the tweet down.
If ANY conservative posted a similar post they would be banned from Twitter in a second.
But Lebron has liberal privilege.’
After basically soliciting 50 million followers to hunt down and murder the officer who shoot a crazed woman who appeared to be on a stabbing spree, Labron went into CYA mode, posting the following ironic tweet, laced with an astounding lack of self awareness:
‘I’m so damn tired of seeing [b]lack people killed by police. I took the tweet down because its being used to create more hate -This isn’t about one officer. ‘[I]t’s about the entire system and they always use our words to create more racism.I am so desperate fort more ACCOUNTABLITY’
Could you imagine being this unaware of your own guilt? For the record, this is the tweet that Labron insinuated white people were using to gin up more hate …
I used to respect Labron when he first came on the scene and there is no denying his talent to dribble a ball and throw it into a hole. However, what the good Lord gave Labron in athletic ability, he also withheld in cognitive aptitude and self awareness.
It sure seems to me that the so called ‘leaders’ of the BLM movement have no interest in ‘equality’ and equal treatment under the law, they want to be the new slave masters. BLM’s most vocal appear to want a racial hierarchy, in which all other races are subject to their hate and whims.
Republican rockstar and former congressional candidate, Kim Klacik knocked Labron right on his ass with a tweet that was perfect:
‘I hear u, but pls, read a book. The system in place was created by the very guy you supported in the presidential election. This very BIG mistake makes you part of the problem. You can’t support the 1994 Crime Bill author & complain about police brutality, it’s one in the same.’
I hear u, but pls, read a book. The system in place was created by the very guy you supported in the presidential election. This very BIG mistake makes you part of the problem. You can’t support the 1994 Crime Bill author & complain about police brutality, it’s one in the same.
— Kimberly Klacik (@kimKBaltimore) April 22, 2021
To quote Labron ‘I don’t think a lot of people was educated’:
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Maybe Labron should stick to the sports ball and lave the thinking to people like Ms. Klacik.