Florida Sen Rick Scott wrote a scorching open letter to the woke corporations in the United States seeking to impose their will on the country.
He told them that their day of reckoning would come once Republicans take control of both houses of the United States Congress.
MSNBC called the letter creepy.
I guess it is now creepy to criticize BLM for rioting and looting and burning businesses, destroying many people’s jobs.
“Dear Woke Corporate America, I hope you are all having fun with your virtue signaling. I hope you are enjoying trying to one-up each other and showing how woke you can be, all the while believing that you are more sophisticated and morally superior to the hard-working people of this country. You must have loved the accolades from your elitist, left-wing peers when you took the MLB All-Star Game from Georgia. What a fun day for you on Twitter. Congratulations.”
Scott said:
You get texts from your elitist friends praising you for your courageous stand when you support ‘mostly peaceful’ movements that loot small businesses, set fire to government buildings, and take the lives of innocent people.”
You know that the Georgia law actually expands early voting and does nothing to suppress or curtail the voting rights of anyone. And yes, the Georgia law requires an ID to vote. Well, so does Delta Airlines, and so does Major League Baseball in order to pick up tickets. It’s not that you have twisted the truth; you have rejected the truth. Worse, you do not care what is true.”
“Let me give you woke corporate leaders a heads-up: Everybody can see the game you are playing. Everybody can see your lies. You are the naked emperor. You are, in fact, morally inferior to the working men and women of this great country, who are not racist people, and who, unlike you, care about truth.
And here is another bit of news for you: There is a massive backlash coming. You will rue the day when it hits you. That day is November 8, 2022. That is the day Republicans will take back the Senate and the House. It will be a day of reckoning.”
“So, cancel as many people as you can right now. Make as much money off of slave labor in Communist China as you can now. Keep telling your customers how racist and sexist and unsophisticated they are. The backlash is coming.”