According to Wikipedia, Covid has a 98.2% in the United States. However, because the virus has an asymptomatic rate of ‘5-80%’ according to, the likelihood that the estimates of how many people have actually been infected are likely WAY too low IMHO.
Think about it, if you have no symptoms … how would you ever know you had the virus? Now, I’m no expert, but I would guess that the mortality rate from the virus is likely less than 1% … so this begs the question, why is the government, and what seems to be all the governments around the world, insisting people get vaccinated against the virus?
Call me crazy, but I don’t think I’m going to trust the same government that gave black people syphilis ON PURPOSE, to mandate some ‘vaccine’ that was rushed to market gets blasted into my blood stream.
Combine that with the fact that those of us who are not vaccinated are not going to be allowed to participate in society (again, over a virus that mainly kills seniors) and this just does not pass the smell test. It’s getting so bad that governments are now refusing to evacuate non vaccinated people from disaster areas.
What makes this even more absurd is that the island has only received enough vaccines for a small portion of the population …
The Gateway Pundit reports:
‘The La Soufrière volcano erupted Friday morning on the island of St. Vincent in the eastern Caribbean, prompting evacuations–but only for those who can prove they have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 China virus, CBS News and other outlets reported.
Eruption of La Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent, April 9, image via UWI Seismic Research/Twitter.’
“Nearly 20,000 people have been forced out of their homes on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent after a volcano erupted there for the first time in more than 40 years. Cruise ships are now evacuating people from the island — but only those vaccinated against COVID-19.”
Nearly 20,000 people have been forced out of their homes on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent after a volcano erupted there for the first time in more than 40 years.
Cruise ships are now evacuating people from the island — but only those vaccinated against COVID-19.
— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) April 9, 2021
The New York Times reported that St. Vincent’s Prime Minister, Ralph Gonsalves announced the mandate of vaccinations for anyone who wanted to be evacuated:
Prime Minister Gonsalves said on Thursday that in order to board the cruise ships sent to evacuate people from the island, evacuees must be vaccinated, while the nearby island nations that are planning to accept refugees will also require vaccinations. He also recommended that those who arrive in shelters on St. Vincent be vaccinated.
Islands that have said they would accept evacuees include Antigua, St. Lucia, Grenada and Barbados.
TGWP went on to explain:
‘A poster on Twitter noted the vaccine mandate excludes just about the entire population, given that only about ten thousand have been administered a first dose but not a second out of a total population of about 110,000 for St. Vincent and the Grenadines.’
So basically no one?
— Scruffy_Veteran (@Scruffy_Veteran) April 10, 2021
Here are some more tweets with updates on the state of the volcano:
Latest images of the dome taken before sunset from the summit camera by @VincieRichie shows the dome now glowing and the height is now estimated to be above the southern crater wall. Follow us and @NEMOSVG for more info. #volcano #svg #lasoufrière #redalert
— UWISeismic Research (@uwiseismic) April 8, 2021
At night the situation is even more spectacular:
Latest images from the summit of La Soufriere. The dome can be seen from the wharf at Chateaubelair.
Photo: UWI Seismic Research Centre.#lasoufriere #svg #redalert— UWISeismic Research (@uwiseismic) April 9, 2021
The ash plume was visible from space:
#LaSoufrière, a volcano on the island of St. Vincent, has just erupted. 🌋
The volcanic ash plume is visible on GOES-16 imagery.
— Aidan Mahoney (@wxaidan) April 9, 2021
It sure looks like this is going to be the ‘new normal’, two classes of citizens: those who let the government inject things into their blood stream, and those who did not.
I know which group I’ll be in … let’s just hop