Rep Jim Jordan is hammering Democrats over their mantra of defunding police. He did neglect to ask one question that I would have liked to hear. “If Republicans are the racists why do police only shoot blacks in Democratic cities?” But, he did point out that cities that have defunded police are seeing a huge increase in crime. Rep Val Demmings took issue with him but he wiped the floor with her.
2020 ended up being one of the most violent years in quite a while. Especially Democratic party approved violence by antifa and BLM. This was ALL due to the Democrat Party’s war on police! During the House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan BLASTED Democrats for defunding the police in cities around the country.
Jim Jordan listed off these numbers that for some reason never made any mainstream media headlines:
Democrat-run Cities cut off:
** New York – Democrats cut $1 billion from its police — Saw 97% increase in shootings
** Los Angeles cut $170 million from its police budge — Saw 11.6% increase in homicides
** Austin, Texas saw $150 million cut — Saw 50% spike in homicides
** Portland, Oregon saw a $12 million cut, eliminated 3 police units — Shootings went up 173%, murders up 25%
This was ALL due to Democrat policies and their demonizing of police!
Democrats are ruining America.
That’s when Democrat Val Demmings, a former police officer, stepped in and pretended that Democrats support police.
That is just sick!
The Democrat fake news media NEVER PLAYED Jim Jordan’s comments in his dustup with Val Demmings.
They can’t.
They must lie to the American public because their policies are so batsh*t nuts.
This was an explosive hearing.
Jim Jordan is a national treasure.
So, why do the crime rates go up every time you get rid of some of your police force? Why would anyone have to spend even one minute thinking about it? As the constitution says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” Why are the vast majority of riots taking place in Democratic cities? Because conservative cities would never put up with it and their police don’t kill unarmed Blacks in the same proportion.