This one takes the cake.
I have seen a lot of shady characters over the years saying and doing a lot of reprehensible and tone deaf things, but I really think this one takes the cake.
It was bad enough that Old Al sent the tweet, but how he tried to justify it was even sicker. He managed to stoke racial divisions … during the eulogy he was giving. Yes, seriously.
Fox News reported:
‘Sharpton traveled to Minneapolis earlier this week for the end of Chauvin’s murder trial in the death of George Floyd
The Rev. Al Sharpton fended off criticism over his use of a private jet to travel to Minnesota for the Derek Chauvin verdict and for the funeral of Daunte Wright – during his eulogy of the Black Minnesota man killed by a police officer who allegedly confused her handgun for a Taser.
“We ain’t in the back of the bus no more,” Sharpton said, calling back to Rosa Parks’ act of civil disobedience in 1955. “I’d have taken an Apollo rocket if it was available.”
On his way to the Midwest Monday, Sharpton tweeted a video of himself sauntering up to a private jet, inviting blowback over what critics called tone-deaf and out of touch.
Headed to Minneapolis to stand with the Floyd family as closing arguments are set to be made today.
— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl) April 19, 2021
“Headed to Minneapolis to stand with the Floyd family as closing arguments are set to be made today,” he captioned the video, which showed him walking toward the waiting plane in an overcoat and carrying paperwork.’
Sharpton, the tax dodging, private plane flying, race baiting grifter had the gall to defend his private plane use … during the time he was given to speak … during Wright’s funeral … during his eulogy.
Think about that for a moment. Imagine if racial division was your business and you were so committed to it that you defended yourself from an absurdly arrogant tweet … that someone’s eulogy. That’s grifter level 11.