The Democrats have been uncloaked for so long in their hatred for America and her founding principles that it’s not even shocking to read that the Democrats are turning their back on the Founder’s America and shredding the Constitution.
We are witnessing all the hallmarks of a Marxist takeover. No serious person believes that Joe Biden got more votes than ANY president in American history, more than Barack Obama for crying out loud. I’m sorry but this is just not a plausible storyline.
Now that the Democrats have magically found themselves in control of the Senate, the House and the White House, they are moving at breakneck pace to ensure they never face another challenge to their authoritarian, iron fisted rule, over the once free, United States of America.
Their latest gambit is to rig the balance of power in the Senate by going 100% against the will of the Founding Fathers and making the District of Criminals (Washington DC) a sovereign state.
The Founders knew that the District of Criminals would eventually be one of the most tyrannical places on Earth, as all centers of power become. They did not make it a state ON PURPOSE. However, the Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, have the gall to pretend they know better, and to pretend that this power grab is for ‘the people’, when in reality it is merely a brazen move to consolidate their ill gotten power.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday said attacking the US Constitution and pushing for DC statehood is in her DNA.
The Framers of the Constitution never intended for DC to be a state, but the Democrats are going for the power grab anyway.
The Democrat-Communist party knows they don’t have the support to amend the Constitution so they are pushing for DC statehood through a vote in Congress.
The Democrats stole the White House and the Senate in 2020 with massive voter fraud so now they are fiercely working to pack the Supreme Court and pack the Senate.
“I said this District of Columbia statehood is in my DNA,” Pelosi said holding up a photo of her late father meeting with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt.’
Pelosi shows a picture of her late father, who was a Maryland congressman and mayor of Baltimore, meeting with Eleanor Roosevelt, saying that had both supported giving Washington, D.C. more control over its representation
"District of Columbia statehood is in my DNA," she says
— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 22, 2021
This is where the rubber meets the road. Personally I believe that it is too late to solve the problems that the Marxist insurrection has saddle the nation with.
It’s time we start organizing secession movements so that at least we have a chance of carving out a portion of the USA and preserving our God given rights, as enumerated in the greatest document of the last 300 years, the United Sates Constitution.