This is starting to look like the worst case scenario.
When the police start working with the Neo-brown shirts that call themselves BLM and Antifa and not holding them accountable as the law dictates, we are headed into a classical tyranny.
This shift from holding those who stop traffic an assault law abiding citizens to working to arrest their victims is a VERY dangerous precedent.
Unfortunately, I think this is the beginning of a rein of terror that will be insulted as part of the law itself …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Far-left protests and violence continued last night across the country.
Violent protests broke out in Minneapolis, Denver, Washington DC, and New York City.
One man was blocked by BLM protesters in Stillwater, Minnesota on his way home.
When the man got out of his car he was shoved by the Black Lives Matter goons. When he pushed back the local police rushed in arrest the man on his way to his home.
WTH was that?’
If this does not worry you … nothing will.