This is the most ridiculous thing I have seen all day. The fact this man died is terrible, but the taxpayers are getting raped here and I don’t see how this is fair to anyone.
The Gateway Pundit is reporting:
‘George Floyd died last spring after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for 8 minutes during an arrest.
According to the medical examiner, Floyd had a “fatal level” of fentanyl in his system at the time of his death.
Minneapolis is spending around $36 million to protect the city from leftist rioters during the trial of Officer Derek Chauvin.’
That is not counting the devastation that rocked the city in the form of riots, looting and arson.
The GWP went on:
‘The death of George Floyd resulted in mass riots and damages into the billions. Hundreds of Minneapolis businesses and homes were destroyed by the leftist rioters over a man with a long criminal record who likely died of a fentanyl overdose.
George Floyd’s family filed a federal lawsuit against Minneapolis and the four police officers who were present/participated in Floyd’s arrest.
The family blamed the officers for Floyd’s death and the city reached an agreement before Chauvin’s trial even started!’
Now the City (TAXPAYERS, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE CITY, IT’S JUST A BANK ACCOUNT THAT THE TAXPAYERS FILL UP, JUST TO SEE IT RAPED) has to pay the family of the deceased … $27,000,000.00. Twenty Seven Million United States Dollars.
The Incident was heinous and disgusting, no one condones it, but 27 million dollars? You have got to be kidding me!
NBC News reported:
The city of Minneapolis has reached a $27 million settlement with George Floyd’s family just weeks before the trial is scheduled to begin for the former officer charged with murder in his death.
Floyd’s family filed a federal lawsuit in July against the city and the four officers involved in the arrest that led to his death. The lawsuit took issue with neck restraints and police policies and training, among other things. It sought compensatory and special damages in an amount to be determined by a jury.
Benjamin Crump and other attorneys representing Floyd’s family members are scheduled to hold a news conference Friday afternoon.
Asked whether he would make an announcement about a settlement, Crump said, “all things are possible.”
“The city needs to exhibit responsible leadership in the face of the horrific tragedy that really was a watershed moment for America,” Crump said in an interview Friday.’
Prediction: the USD will no longer be the global reserve currency within 10 years. Within that time frame, the United States will become the 2nd most powerful nation in the world and continue following the CCP’s lead.
Congrats America, you killed the golden goose