White farmers are suing the Biden administration for violating their 14th Amendment rights. That is the one that provides that all people are afforded equal protection under the law.
The federal government offers COVID relief loan forgiveness. It comes with only one condition. You must not be white.
That was not a misprint, and no one is arguing that the farmers are wrong. It’s just the type of socialism that Democrats practice nowadays.
Farmers from Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Ohio who filed the suit say that the $4 billion dollar program only helps “socially disadvantaged farmers” who are not white.
The lawsuit states:
“Were plaintiffs eligible for the loan forgiveness benefit, they would have the opportunity to make additional investments in their property, expand their farms, purchase equipment and supplies, and otherwise support their families and local communities. Because plaintiffs are ineligible to even apply for the program solely due to their race, they have been denied the equal protection of the law and therefore suffered harm.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a statement saying it was reviewing the lawsuit with the U.S. Department of Justice, but that the USDA plans to continue to offer loan forgiveness to “socially disadvantaged” farmers.
Attorneys for the conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty filed the action on the white farmers’ behalf in federal court in Green Bay.
The filing seeks a court order prohibiting the USDA from applying racial classifications when determining eligibility for loan modifications and payments under the stimulus plan. It also seeks unspecified damages.
The lawsuit argues the federal government’s reasoning for making the loan forgiveness race-based — to help end systemic racism — isn’t a compelling enough interest to provide a discriminatory benefit and override the constitutional ban on race discrimination.
“Conditioning benefits from the federal government on the basis of race is unconstitutional,” said WILL president and general counsel Rick Esenberg. “WILL is committed to ensuring that the current threats to the bedrock principle of equality under the law, something that many generations have worked tirelessly to achieve, are challenged and fought.”