We warned you (as I’m sure you were warning everyone you knew as well), that if we let the Democrats steel this election we would never have another honest election in again in this country. Well, it looks like we were right. The democratic republic that was the United States of America is no longer.
Whomever is running Joe Biden’s administration just put Susan “Benghazi” Rice in charge of the Democrat’s effort to expand mail-in voting to make it the norm for bad actors to be able to steal elections. You know, just like they did in 2020.
Susan Rice is an operative from the Obama Crime Family who is closer with the former president than perhaps anyone in the family. Susan is on the Board at Netflix and has been since 2018. Shortly after he appointment to the board, the Obama’s got a HUGE contract to create propaganda for the network.
Rice is notorious for demanding the ‘unmasking’ of the members of the Trump Administration that she and the Obama Administration were spying on leading up to the 2016 election. Susan Rice is a cut throat, gain power at all costs, radical leftist. Now she has been put in charge of ensuring we never have real elections again:
The Free Beacon reported:
President Joe Biden put controversial former national security adviser Susan Rice in charge of directing hundreds of federal agencies and departments to expand access to mail-in voting.
Biden signed an executive order in March that put Rice, now the assistant to the president for domestic policy, in charge of soliciting strategies from federal agencies to produce “relevant information” on expanded voting registration procedures. Federal agencies must submit to Rice “a strategic plan outlining the ways identified under this review that the agency can promote voter registration and voter participation” within 200 days under the terms of the order.
“Agencies shall consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process,” the order states. “The head of each agency shall evaluate ways in which the agency can, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, promote voter registration and voter participation.”
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Earlier this month Joe Biden signed an executive order “expanding voting access.”
“It is the responsibility of the federal government to expand access to, and education about, voter registration and election information, and to combat misinformation, in order to enable all eligible Americans to participate in our democracy,” the order read.
Biden’s EO orders federal agencies to expand voter registration, gives voting access and education to federal prisoners and improves ballot tracking for voters overseas.
Biden lied during his announcement earlier this month and said more than 60 courts, including the Supreme Court, upheld the 2020 election and determined there was no fraud.
Biden also attacked the GOP-led state legislatures in 28 states for filing more than 100 bills since the 2020 election to prevent Democrat voter fraud.
Biden’s announcement comes after the House passed H.R.1, a massive elections reform bill making it easier for Democrats to steal elections.’