Terrorists stick together no matter the weather. BLM the domestic terror group is now endorsing Hamas.
They say just because radical Muslims fired on police in Jerusalem and followed it up with 2,500 missiles being shot into Israel proves that Israel is the bad guys just as those who try to stop BLM from burning down their businesses are the bad guys.
The official Black Lives Matter organization declared its “solidarity” with Palestinians this week. Aligning themselves with the terrorist group against Israel whom they believe do not have the right to defend themselves.
Terrorists stick together no matter the weather. BLM the domestic terror group is now endorsing Hamas.
They say just because radical Muslims fired on police in Jerusalem and followed it up with 2,500 missiles being shot into Israel proves that Israel is the bad guys just as those who try to stop BLM from burning down their businesses are the bad guys.
The official Black Lives Matter organization declared its “solidarity” with Palestinians this week. Aligning themselves with the terrorist group against Israel whom they believe do not have the right to defend themselves.
Black Lives Matter Paterson condemns the ongoing violence against Palestinians in East Jerusalem by the state of Israel and stands in solidarity with those fighting occupation. We as an organization believe in the freedom to worship and a life free from fear of expulsion and violence. The scenes coming out of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where Israeli soldiers are using excessive force against Palestinian worshippers, harkens to our struggle against a repressive state apparatus. BLM Paterson also condemns the current situation in the Sheikh Jarrah enclave where Israeli settlers are forcibly evicting residents from their ancestral homes.
Forgive me if I am mistaken but isn’t Israel the ancestral home of the Jews ever since they left the slavery they lived under in Egypt?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth if I recall correctly. And I cannot find any mention of Palestine in the Bible, do you?