Cover Ups

Breaking: Biden Moves On AZ Audit!

If it were not for The Gateway Pundit the American people would have no idea what the hell is actually going on in the Arizona audit of the 2020 election results.

I don’t watch Fox News any longer, but I am told that they have barley even mentioned the audit and that the only place to hear news on TV about the historic effort to restore faith and integrity in our elections is One America News.

Luckily for us Jim Hoft and his team of intrepid reporters at The Gateway Pundit have been all over the audit like white on rice.  As we all suspected it looks like the Biden Admin is going to put their fingers on the scale and do everything they can to ensure we never know the truth about what happened in 2020.

Here is the latest from the only site covering the Arizona Audit with the sense of importance and urgency it deserves, The Gateway Pundit:

‘As reported earlier according to Garrett Archer at ABC15 in Phoenix, Arizona the Biden Department of Justice is going to “get involved in some capacity” with the ongoing forensic audit.

As we have been reporting for weeks now, Democrats are REALLY, REALLY worried about the Maricopa County audit.

Do not forget that the Department of Justice DID NOTHING as Democrats locked Republicans from ballot-counting rooms and drove in vanloads of ballots in the middle of the night!

Tonight The Gateway Pundit spoke with Dr. Kelli Ward, the Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, on this latest development and possible interference by the Biden Department of Justice on the Arizona forensic audit.

Here is what we were told.

Dr. Kelli Ward: “It is my opinion that the Department of Justice has no authority to get involved in a state legislature directed audit. The lefties at The Brennan Center for Justice and the Democracy Project have been demaning federal interruption into the process. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs allowed each of those organizations entry to represent her and her office inside the arena which is appalling. Hobbs wrote a ridiculous letter to Audit Director Ken Bennett with all kinds of false accusations included.”

The DOJ sent a letter to Fann requesting information that Federal law isn’t being broken (based on news reports and hearsay IMO).

1. They want to know if there is proper security protecting the ballots so that they are not at risk of being altered, destroyed, tampered with, stolen, etc.

Kelli Ward: There are 19 armed guards there in addition to security cameras everywhere as well as the 9 public cameras.

2. Reports that Cyber Ninjas has in their scope to go out and knock on doors to find voter info and DOJ says that when that has been done in the past, it’s often been focused on minority areas and they want assurances that there is no voter intimidation happening.

Kellie Ward: There is NO voter intimidation by the Arizona Senate, by auditors, or by Republicans happening in Arizona’

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