They say that ‘the wicked flee when none pursue’, however, the wicked RUN when good people are on their heels.
One need to look no further than Dr. Fauci to see this principle in action. Mere days after Senator Paul exposed his funding of gain of function research in Wuhan, Fauci is now saying mask are no longer inside for those who had ‘the jab’.
There is another shining example of this principle as well .. the Arizona audit. Dominion appears to have gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Why else would they be refusing to give the people the right to audit the election results?
I think I know why … I think EVERYONE knows why …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Dominion Voting Systems released a very revealing statement on Thursday. The Denver-based company responded to the Arizona Senate’s demand for passwords to ballot tabulators.
Back on November 30, 2020, Maricopa County elections witness Jan Bryant testified before the Arizona legislature. Jan said back on November 30, 2020, that Maricopa County officials DID NOT RUN THE ELECTION! Two Dominion employees in the audit center ran the election. This explains why Maricopa County officials do not have Admin passwords or access to the Dominion voting machines. They never had them!
America’s Audit Director Ken Bennett told OAN earlier in the week that Dominion was refusing to comply with the subpoena to turn over the passwords.
What are they hiding?
In their statement published today Dominion attacked the forensic auditing team performing the audit.
Dominion defended the controversial EAC group that rubber-stamped the previous counting of ballots.
And Dominion then said they will not release the passwords to the Maricopa County voting machines.
They will NOT ALLOW any auditors to look at their machines.
This is very telling. What are they afraid of?’
Via Brahm Resnik.
If Dominion had access to the machines, and Maricopa County did not, then WHO DELETED THE DATABASES?
Subpoena their asses NOW!
Dominion Voting Systems releases statement responding to the Arizona Senate's request for admin passwords.Via Flying Monkey Duda Monkey
— Forever Trumper (@FanaTeresafana) May 14, 2021
2020 Election Integrity: Arizona – Senate Forensic Audit – Dominion Statement On Password Access Via WAPO / AP
Link here – sub required
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) May 13, 2021