US News

Busted! Look Who Actually Broke the Law Regarding The Infamous Trump-Georgia Election Phone Call!

The Democrats, including Brad Raffensperger, tried to frame President Trump over a phone call he made regarding the election. But as it turns out Raffensperger and his office lied about what was in the phone call in an effort to smear President Trump.

They thought they were safe because they deleted the audio, unfortunately, for them, a copy was found on a laptop that proved they lied.

So, Trump committed no crime so everything is okay, right? Well, actually there is a criminal in this case. Not the person who recorded the conversation because, in Georgia, only one person has to agree to the recording.

She’s ‘Fuch’ed’

However, you cannot sell or give away the recording because if you do, you have violated the law. That leaves a grey area whereby, someone could face prison over this crime.

Was Amy Gardner the recipient of the recording or was she merely given false quotes which she went on to print without question?

Her story proved to be totally false and it caused the WaPo to issue a rather lengthy retraction:

Gardner’s article attracted many people who were already suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. (TDS) The lamestream press jumped on the story but they themselves share the blame for this fake news, or at least some of them anyway. To make it appear as if the story was genuine, several writers claim they were able to confirm the story through unnamed sources they used to verify the story. Witnesses who were likely just made up.

From PJ Media

Georgia is a one-party state. That means it is in fact legal to wiretap a conversation even if only one party to the conversation knows it is being recorded. Georgia Code Section 16-11-66 makes an exception to the general prohibition on electronic eavesdropping, excluding by statute “intercepting a wire, oral, or electronic communication where such person is a party to the communication or one of the parties to the communication has given prior consent to such interception.”

That means if one person on the call with the president was recording the call, it has an exception to the broad eavesdropping prohibition.

But that’s not the end of the matter, and you can’t count on Gardner at the Washington Post or NBC to give you the whole story.

Georgia might absolve the person actually running the tape machine, but it also criminalizes in a stand-alone law the act of giving the tape (or electronic file) to a third party.

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