OK, we see a lot of BS everyday scouring the news, but this takes the cake.
The way the establishment likes to treat black people as if they are incapable of thinking for themselves is down right disgusting. How the left does not realize that treating minorities as if they are too stupid to make their own decisions is racist, is beyond me.
Beyond that, blaming white people for everything that goes wrong in society is … RACIST.
The hard part is in not falling into the trap that the left has set for us. They want us to hate one another and Balkanize based on the color of our skin, or the type of people we are attracted to. We can not fall into this trap.
Apparently white people are in control of the brains of black Americans and it’s out fault that the CCP let a bioweapon leak from their lab … which Dr Fauci was involved with …
Cassandra Fairbanks of The Gateway Pundit reports:
‘A critical race studies and ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder is continuing to spread the lie that “white supremacy” is causing black people to attack Asians.
Professor Jennifer Ho wrote an article for The Conversation entitled “White supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the US.”
According to a report from Campus Reform, the nutty professor claims that even though “Black people are also attacking Asian Americans,” White people “are the main perpetrators of anti-Asian racism.”
Ho was previously President of the Association for Asian American studies and director of the Center for Humanities and the Arts.
“The point I’ve made through all of those experiences is that anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: white supremacy,” she wrote. “So when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled perhaps by racism, but very specifically by white supremacy. White supremacy does not require a white person to perpetuate it.”
Ho added that “the dehumanization of Asian people by U.S. society is driven by white supremacy and not by any Black person who may or may not hate Asians.”
She also claims that there was an uptick of attacks on Asians, again, primarily by black people, because of “the white supremacist ideas of Chinese people being to blame for COVID-19.”’