Both Philip Stark, Ph.D. and Barbara Simons, Ph.D., the board chair of Verified Voting and also a member of George Soros’ elite Democracy Alliance Board, are both current appointees to the powerful U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). But that isn’t their only ties to Democratic leadership. They are tied to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Many of you wondered if the audit in New Hampshire would be an honest one. You need not wonder anymore. And no, it won’t be. Stark was appointed by Speaker Pelosi in 2016 and Simons was appointed by former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D) in 2008 and was re-affirmed by then-Senate Minority now Majority Leader Schumer. That makes up 2 of the 3 auditors. What do you expect to happen?
The audit in New Hampshire will be every bit as honest as Pelosi and Schumer are. The Democrats are trying to kill as many audits as possible to preserve Biden’s shady victory.
If you win honestly, you don’t need to worry about audits. However if you didn’t, you would want to kill every audit in every state that tries to have one.
The Dems succeeded in New Hampshire.
The third auditor in NH is Harri Hursti, Ph.D, who is known to hack computer systems to test them. It was Hursti that discovered how easily Diebold voting machines were to hacking. You would not even need a key or a password:
All Hursti did was take a Diebold, credit card-sized memory card, quickly pre-program it using an inexpensive, readily available agricultural scanning device, and stick it in the Diebold optical scanner. No keys or passwords were needed. His hack happened fast. This staged election in which the outcome was known by all, ended up with Hursti’s hacked memory card secretly deciding the “election,” and whose count reflected Hursti’s choice.
Hursti figured out how to hack into the memory card … He learned how to hide votes, make losers out of winners and leave no trace, [Bev Harris] said.
This stunning moment in American history – after Diebold had repeatedly and aggressively maintained that its machines and memory cards were totally secure and trustworthy – was created and witnessed by, among others, election integrity advocate extraordinaire Bev Harris of the very ethical 501(c)(3) Black Box Voting (BBV), the ethical and patriotic Ion Sancho, Leon County, Florida Supervisor of Elections, and Susan Pynchon of the Florida Fair Elections Coalition.
This was such a stunning and groundbreaking moment in American election integrity history that it came to be referred to as the Hursti Hack. Harris memorialized it by co-producing a riveting 2006 documentary called Hacking Democracy.