Dr. Anthony Fauci has been lecturing Americans about the perils of the United States as a cause of virus and diseases for generations, starting with claims that the AIDS epidemic exposed our homophobia, leading to a massive change in medicine and in American society. Now Fauci is saying that COVID is exposing the country’s racism; at the same time, the left is pushing for Social Medicine based on race.
“Dr. Fauci says COVID has exposed the ‘undeniable effects of racism’ and shone ‘a bright light on our own society’s failings’ after the virus disproportionally killed people of color,” The DailyMail UK reported.
Fauci was speaking during a graduation ceremony for Emory University Sunday
He said ‘the undeniable effects of racism’ have led to unacceptable health disparities that hurt African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans
The CDC states: ‘COVID-19 highlights that health equity is still not a reality as COVID-19 has unequally affected many racial and ethnic minority groups’
Figures show that for every 100,000 people, 114 white people have died; that’s compared to 127 African Americans, 118 Hispanics and 139 Native Americans
The nation’s top infectious disease expert received Emory’s president’s medal
Fauci spoke by teleconference and told the graduates in Atlanta that members of minority groups work in essential jobs where they might be exposed to the coronavirus, focusing on skin color, while ignoring other people who are working.
He also indicated that minorities have more health problems and less healthy lifestyles than others, saying they are more likely to become infected if exposed because of medical conditions such as hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or obesity.
‘Now, very few of these comorbidities have racial determinants,’ Fauci said.
‘Almost all relate to the social determinants of health dating back to disadvantageous conditions that some people of color find themselves in from birth regarding the availability of an adequate diet, access to health care and the undeniable effects of racism in our society.’
It is curious if Fauci is concerned about how to make the COVID vaccine more attractive to the Black Community, consider the low number of Black Americans who voluntarily want to get the shot and the number of shots he wants the Black Community to get.
The infectious disease expert also said that once society returns to ‘some form of normality,’ people should not forget that infectious disease has disproportionally hospitalized and killed people of color.
Fauci on Sunday was awarded the Emory University president’s medal.
Previous recipients include former President Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama and the late U.S. Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon.
In accepting the award, Fauci denounced the destruction of division.
‘Societal divisiveness is counterproductive in a pandemic,’ Fauci said. ‘We must not be at odds with each other since the virus is the enemy, not each other.’
He praised the graduates for handling the profound disruption of the pandemic.
‘Not since the influenza pandemic of 1918 has humanity faced a public health crisis of this magnitude,’ he said.
The entire medical industry is about to take on a new shape, and it is one that elevates the care and interventions of Americans based on their skin color, prioritizing Black Americans for medical attention.
Fauci’s focus on race relations happens at the same time hospitals are busy developing Critical Race Theory policies to elevate their security of Black patients and offer them new interventions.
The AP reported on the issue of race in medicine in early May and said,
“The nation’s largest doctors group released a comprehensive plan aimed at dismantling structural racism inside its own ranks and within the U.S. medical establishment.
The American Medical Association’s plan has been in the works for more than a year. The group’s leaders said health inequities highlighted by the pandemic, ongoing police brutality, and recent race-based crimes had given the effort a sense of urgency.
’’We’re working very hard at AMA to increase not just diversity in the health care workforce but in the understanding of health inequities,” said Dr. Gerald Harmon, who becomes AMA president next month.
All people deserve equitable health care, and it has long been known that people of color ’’do better when their health care is delivered by providers of color,” Harmon said.
We know from studying what the left means by “equitable” they mean Blacks will be getting special treatments, and hopefully, that will put an end to American racism for good, and everyone will finally live in peace.
When people are finally judged by the color of their skin and given jobs as medical professionals, including surgeons and doctors, we will have our utopia.
: U.S. physicians are overwhelmingly white, and AMA membership tends to reflect that. Most of the group’s 21 trustees are white. With roughly 270,000 members, the group represents a little more than a quarter of U.S. doctors,” The AP reported.
The AMA plan calls for more than diversifying its staff and adding members who are from Black, Hispanic, Indigenous, and LGBTQ communities. It aims to embed anti-racist activities and education at every level of the organization.
’’We’re going to be holding ourselves accountable,” said Dr. Aletha Maybank, AMA’s chief health equity officer.
The influential advocacy group also plans to use its clout to advocate for health equity government policies and to create and deliver anti-racist training for medical students, doctors, and health systems.
In recent years, the AMA has publicly acknowledged its racist history, including efforts to bar Black physicians from joining and fighting against desegregating U.S. hospitals. Last November, it declared racism a public health threat.
See? We just need some accountability and equity.