In Case You Missed It at the end of last month …
The Deep State has become the political equivalent of the ‘cornered rat’. Everyone knows that cornered rats are dangerous and will lash out. That’s because they are DESPERATE.
It could not be more clear, based on the fact that 50-60% of the nation do not believe that the Democrats won the 2020 election fair and square, combined with the pace at which the Biden regime is installing an all out tyranny, that the Deep State is desperate.
Beyond desperate, they are also scared of the American people. There are hundreds of examples of this, but the most obvious ones are the fact that Pelosi has turned Washington DC into a military zone, she has also demanded $2,000,000,000.00 for additional ‘security’ for the Capitol, and now Biden is going to issue an Royal Decree on ‘gun control’.
As if hiding behind fortified castle walls, issuing royal decrees to disarm the people, and continuing to fortify their position in DC was not enough, now the Democrats are trying to classify ‘conspiracy theorists’ or people who dare to question the tyranny we live under as ‘domestic terrorists’.
If you can not see that this is a Marxist takeover by now, I just do not know what to tell you. Turn off your TV and study some history, this story has unfolded hundreds of times throughout history, often with the same results: genocide and civil war.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
Democrats introduced the “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021” to target MAGA patriots to destroy and criminalize Trump-supporting nationalists.
Revolver News covered this latest disturbing attempt by Democrats to target and punish the America people.
The pattern is simple. The full apparatus of the Globalist American Empire mobilizes on behalf of those who believe and promote discredited conspiracies like the Russiagate Hoax, the Jussie Smollett Hoax, Covington Hoax, and so forth. On the other hand, the full apparatus of the Globalist American Empire mobilizes against those who believe and promote QAnon.
In other words, the regime codifies and sacralizes Ruling Party conspiracy theories, while it pathologizes and criminalizes Ruled Party conspiracy theories, all as a means of controlling the narrative in our so-called “democracy.”
This is a very disturbing development by the US government to target the American people.
Revolver News Editor Darren Beattie joined The Bannon War Room on Saturday morning to discuss this latest objective on the left.
Darren Beattie, of Revolver News, uncovers the Democrats’ new dangerous bill that treats the average American as a “domestic terrorist.”
The bill allows the national security apparatus to target “conspiracy theorists.” Or put more simply: anyone who dares question any aspect of “this Utopian regime we’ve become.”
Beattie told War Room the “Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021” is not only logically self-defeating, but is an attempt to destroy the MAGA movement.
Beattie said America is witnessing the “re-purposing of our own national security state to crush” Donald Trump’s movement.
“It’s counter American intelligence in which the security apparatus is treating the American People as de facto domestic terrorists,” he said.
In case you thought this was some far fetched idea … there is even a grassroots ‘’ petition to declare half the nation as ‘terrorists’. The left wants us ‘re-educated’ or dead, it’s just that simple.