Does this really come as any surprise to anyone who is paying attention?
Netflix, which started out as a good company, has sold their soul to the dark side, hiring/paying off the likes of Valarie Jarrett, Barack and Michelle Obama. Michelle is … you guess it, working on programing … FOR KIDS.
The Streaming service, turned network, has repeatedly been in trouble over accusations dealing with people in their employ being accused of sex crimes against minors.
If you’ll recall it was not too long ago the the pedophile pandering ‘Cuties’ aired on Netflix and causes many to talk about the company facing child p0rn charges, according to Fox the network was even indicted by a grand jury.
Is this really a surprise when you learn that the Obama’s sent their daughter to intern for non other than, allegedly, one of the most prolific sex offenders in modern history, Harvey Weinstein?
If you want to try and tell that the Obama’s, who have no shame in using the intel community’s spying apparatus on the American people, did not know they were sending their daughter to work with a sex predator, I don’t know what to tell you.
After you know all this it should come as no surprise that The Gateway Pundit’s Casandra Fairbanks is now reporting that:
‘Three cast members of the Netflix cheerleading series “Cheer” have been arrested for alleged sexual misconduct with minors.
Last year, another star of the Emmy-winning series, Jeremiah “Jerry” Harris, was sued for “child exploitation and abuse” of twin brothers who were only 13-years-old at the time — then arrested a week later for “enticing an underage boy to produce sexually explicit videos and photos of himself.”
Harris was charged with one count of producing child pornography and later seven more counts related to allegations that he solicited sex from minors while at cheerleading competitions.
On Wednesday, another star of the show, Mitchell Ryan, 23, was arrested in Texas for “felony aggravated sexual assault of a child.” Law Enforcement Today reports that the assault allegedly occurred on June 24, 2020.
Robert Joseph Scianna Jr., a 25-year-old professional cheerleader who was also featured on the show, was arrested on February 3 and charged with “taking indecent liberties with a child and use of an electronic communication device to solicit sex.” He had messaged someone that he believed to be a 14-year-old boy and attempted to arrange a meeting in person.
“Hopefully if there are any more victims out there that for whatever reason, maybe because of his stature, didn’t want to come forward, that they reach out to the police department so we can investigate further,” Sergeant Winfred Lewis of the Chesterfield County Police Department in Virginia told Law Enforcement Today.’
When someone tells you who they are … believe them. The folks at Netflix are sick, sick people, with an even sicker agenda.