As if we needed any more evidence that AG Barr and Christoper Wray were working for the deep state and not the American people (as if them getting confirmed was not enough evidence) … enter Jack Posobiec.
We have recently learned that Barr was not the deep state assassin that we had all been hold he was. I don’t think there is anyone who was not aware that uber rich director Wray was playing for the black team (black as in Marxist anarchist, not melanin levels.
Not only were the pair not really on Trump’s side, aka, the American peoples’ side, they were actively running defense for the violent anarchist who were attacking conservatives as well as burning and looting America’s cities to the tune of billions upon billions of dollars …
Cassandra Fairbanks of The Gateway Pundit reported:
New details are coming to light about how Bill Barr and Chris Wray blocked President Donald Trump’s attempts to go after Antifa while he was still in the White House.
Appearing on Steve Bannon’s War Room, author and journalist Jack Posobiec previewed details about the move from his riveting new book Antifa: Stories From Inside the Black Bloc
As Trump was trying to stop the rioting that was tearing apart cities in 2020, Attorney General William Barr labeled antifa simply “organized…revolutionaries.”
FBI Director Christopher Wray was even worse, claiming “It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement or an ideology,” and that “folks who subscribe or identify” with antifa do not operate at a national level, but instead organize “regionally into small groups or nodes.”
Barr also reportedly threatened to quit if President Trump fired Wray.
Speaking to Bannon, Posobiec explained that when Trump went to Wray about tackling the problem, he would blow him off or lie and say that they would get to it.
“Wray either balked at it or said ‘oh, we’ll get to it” and shrugged his shoulders and did nothing,” Posobiec explained. “Meanwhile, he turns around and look what he does to the people of January 6th.”’