Anyone with half a brain knows that the Whuan Institute of Virology is OBVIOUSLY the most logical explanation for the origin of the weaponized Covid-19 outbreak.
Let’s look at what we know:
The first known cases of this strain of Coronavirus began in Wuhan, China.
The Wuhan lab works with deadly viruses, manipulating them in order to create new, deadly viruses.
China saw their economy grow and the rest of the world locked down, leaving their economies in shambles, way behind China’s GDP growth rates.
Anyone who dared point out the obvious, that the lab should be looked at as a possible source for the pandemic was banned from social media and shunned in the media … to me, this is the biggest smoking gun.
While Biden continues to have confidence in Fauci, who it now appears is more than ‘connected’ to the outbreak, if not personally culpable, President Trump is calling out China for their role in the global catastrophe.
Joe Hoft of The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘President Trump calls for reparations from China. The time has come for China to pay up.
“The time has come for America and the world to demand REPARATIONS and accountability from the Communist Part of China.”
“China must pay, they must pay!”
– President Trump
— Steven Cheung (@CaliforniaPanda) June 6, 2021
The President called for reparations and all debt to be forgiven with China as a starter:
Donald Trump has called for China to pay “reparations” to the United States for the damage done by Covid-19, which originated in the city of Wuhan.
At a rare speech to a Republican convention in Greenville, North Carolina, the former president said China should be presented with a bill for $10 trillion and all countries that owe money to the Asian superpower should refuse to pay.
And he said the US should put 100 per cent tariffs on all goods coming from China.
Joe Biden is likely in bed already and has no idea what Trump is talking about:’
While President Trump is telling us that China should pay us for the virus they used against us here's a picture of the guy they call their President doing what he does best. Perving on a young girl. "Want a bite sweetie?"
— Dave Revcar (@DRevcar) June 6, 2021