Defunding the police is the goal of many Democrats and their supporters and it may be why Republicans were able to add 12 net seats in the House.
But what can you do about it other than wait until the next election and vote the powers that be out of office? Well, in Baltimore businesses may have found the answer. They pay taxes to pay for police protection they aren’t getting.
Businesses in Baltimore are opening escrow accounts and they are depositing all of the money they would normally pay to the city in fees and taxes.
They intend to keep the money there until the Baltimore politicians start providing the services businesses pay for or until a judge orders them to pay up. Maybe not even then. They may just decide to defy the court as they appeal the decision. But can the city leaders re-fund the police? Will BLM rise if they try?
More than three dozen Fells Point business owners have sent a letter to Baltimore leadership including Mayor Brandon Scott, City Council President Nick Mosby, Councilman Zeke Cohen, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, and Police Commissioner Michael Harrison.
“What is happening in our front yard — the chaos and lawlessness that escalated this weekend into another night of tragic, unspeakable gun violence — has been going on for far too long,” a portion of the letter says.
The letter demands that city leaders restore “basic and essential municipal services” including trach pickup, enforcement of traffic and parking laws through tickets and towing, stopping illegal open-air alcohol and drug sales, and empowerment of police to responsibly do their jobs.
The business owners threaten to withhold tax and permit payments, placing those funds into an escrow account, if the city doesn’t respond to their request.
This is the type of thing that can catch on especially in cities where businesses are looted at will and buildings are burned to the ground.
Cities such as Minneapolis, New York, Portland, and Seattle that back off and allow the rioters to do as they wish would be the most likely targets but not necessarily the only ones.