Those people who suggest that a military coup should take place in America, or that if one did it would be in favor of liberty are sadly mistaken.
While the rank and file members of the United States military are good and honest men and women, those installed as the top brass seem to be more sympathetic to Marxism than they are individual liberty.
I suppose this is exactly what the left has been wanting after all the years of silencing their opposition, lying and smearing anyone with a different opinion, ‘cancelling’ anyone who thinks a hair differently than they do and condoning violence against they political adversaries.
Now we have gotten to a point where men who once took an oath to defend the constitution are calling for the removal of talking heads who criticize their Fuhrur.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Retired four star general Barry McCaffrey called for Fox News host Tucker Carlson to be fired for insulting Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley.
General Milley proudly told Congress on Wednesday that he wants to understand “white rage” and is studying the concept.
Milley defended Critical Race Theory as well.
On Thursday Tucker Carlson UNLOADED on Gen. Milley for his ignorant and unimpressive statements to Congress.
“Mark Milley is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He didn’t get that job because he’s brilliant or because he’s brave or because the people who know him, respect him. He is not and they definitely don’t. Milley got the job because he knows who to suck up to and he’s more than happy to do it. Feed him a script and he will read it… Hard to believe that man wears a uniform. He’s that unimpressive,” Tucker said.
Tucker added, “He’s not just a pig. He’s stupid!… Thanks, Mark Milley. We appreciate your contribution to our generation’s scientific racism. By the way, have you read anything recently about winning wars?”
Barry McCaffery said Tucker Carlson should be fired for daring to insult Milley.
These elitists don’t even hide it anymore. They don’t believe conservatives have 1st Amendment rights.
‘But, but, but Milley went to Princeton!’ – McCaffrey argued.
And by the way, Colombia is a country, not a university.’