At least there are still some people in this country who stick to their guns and don’t bend over backwards, compromising everything they pretend to hold dear in order to gain proximity to power.
The idea that Joe Biden, one of the most hedonistic and immoral men, from one of the most scandal and sin plagued families in the world is a ‘practicing Roman Catholic’ is beyond laughable.
While the Pope may be a commie, it seems that there are still many Catholics in America who take the Bible and it’s teachings seriously …
Fox News reported:
‘The University of Notre Dame’s 2021 commencement is set for Sunday, but President Biden will reportedly be absent from the event.
Breaking with recent tradition, the president will not address the ceremony after 4,300 “members of the Notre Dame community” signed a petition urging Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins not to invite Biden, the second Roman Catholic president, over his stance on abortion.
A White House source told Catholic News Agency that Biden was invited but could not attend due to a scheduling conflict. Instead, finance executive and trustee of the university Jimmy Dunne will address the graduates.
Biden during the week delivered a commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy and spoke virtually at the commencement for Syracuse University, his law school alma mater.
For the last three presidencies, either the president or vice president has attended the Notre Dame commencement their first year in office. President George W. Bush gave the commencement address in 2001, President Barack Obama gave the address in 2009 and Vice President Mike Pence spoke at the ceremony in 2017. Obama’s attendance drew backlash for similar reasons.
The petition said that Biden should neither speak at commencement nor be given an honorary degree, and said that signers were “dismayed by the pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty agenda of President Joe Biden.”
“He rejects Church teachings on abortion, marriage, sex and gender and is hostile to religious liberty. He embraces the most pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty public policy program in history. The case against honoring him is immeasurably stronger than it was against honoring President Obama,” it continued.
The petition argued Biden had a goal of “providing direct federal funding to abortions.” It was signed by students, alumni, and other members of the community. ‘