Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger must have finally realized that he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance for winning re-election. He is dead to the Georgia Republican Party. In fact, most insiders cannot believe he’s going to run. What he did to Georgia’s 2020 election is unforgivable. Maybe he had a great epiphany of his political demise and that’s why he is finally changing his tune about the audit results from his state’s election data, specifically the massive amount of voter fraud that was discovered in Fulton County.
Raffensperger took to social media to try to redeem himself.
“Restoring confidence in our elections is going to be impossible as long as Fulton County’s elections leadership continues to fail the voters of Fulton County and the voters of Georgia. They need new leadership to step up and take charge.”
Restoring confidence in Georgia elections will be impossible until Executive branch people like him admit to enabling Democrats to cheat in the election.
The SOS followed up with another tweet.
“New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue.”
New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue.
— GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (@GaSecofState) June 14, 2021
Fulton County is the Philadelphia of Georgia. It’s where most voter fraud happens every election. Though there are many flavors of Democrat-run voter fraud, most of it is based on the same flaw in the system that affects all 50 states.
The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA), among other things, forces all 50 Secretaries of State to keep voters who died or moved out of the state on the voter roles for a number of years. They claim this is to settle voting disputes and to give the state the ability to fix mistakes where someone may have accidentally been listed as deceased or that they moved out of state. That’s allegedly all balderdash. In the real world, this law was created by Democrats and it is how they have been able to cheat in every election ever since.
For example, if 100,000 people who died are still listed on a state’s voter rolls, political parties have access to that information. Democrats allegedly grab that data and have people vote using the names of the deceased. They’re certainly not going to complain that someone voted for them because they’re dead. No one at the county level – which is usually run by Democrats – is going to check to see if each voter has assumed room temperature, so it’s the perfect cheating method. This is the main reason why Democrats are vehemently against Voter ID laws. It’s much more difficult to get a phony driver’s license for all the 100,000 dead people used in our example than it is to just walk up to vote, giving the dead guy’s name, and go vote.
Three other Georgia counties – Coffee, Grady, and Taylor – have had irregularities investigated with Fulton being the fourth. Raffensperger’s office downplayed those investigations in a press release at the time. He also referred to former President Donald Trump’s accusations of voter fraud as a conspiracy theory.
“In total, 123 counties had absentee ballot drop boxes for the November election. Of those, 120 have confirmed they filled out and retained ballot transfer forms in accordance with Georgia rules. Elections officials in 3 counties – Coffee, Grady, and Taylor – said they had not filled out the forms as required. The 3 counties account for only 0.37% of all the absentee ballots cast in the November election,” the Georgia SOS office wrote.
Now that he’s learning that Georgia patriots are not giving up their fight for the truth, Raffensperger is trying to redeem himself as the election results are being weighed. Not only does he know he’ll never win re-election, he’s probably worried about being charged with a possible crime for his role in allowing the Democrats to steal the election.
Out of many things that Raffensperger allowed to happen during the 2020 election, one of them was defending the amount of Zuckerbucks that flooded into Georgia to help the democrats create drop boxes on practically every street corner in Democrats only districts, up to $5 million that came through a front group called Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) that the Facebook CEO donated.
Walter Jones, a Raffensperger spokesman, bragged in an email for Georgia Star News that Zuckerberg’s money gave them the capability of blocking any complaints calling for investigations into voter fraud.
“Any grant or funding source, as allowed by Georgia law, has enabled this and local elections offices to combat disinformation similar to recent articles published by this outlet that undermine the confidence of Georgia voters,” Jones said.
Raffensperger also violated Georgia law and the US Constitution by changing election laws. For example, he entered into a consent decree with Democrats whiner Stacey Abrams by changing election law that said mail-in ballot signatures must be verified against the driver’s license or the voter’s original voter registration form to allow voter signature verification to match the ballot signature up to the ballot request application signature, essentially allowing to match the same forger’s signature.
As I said, Raffensperger is toast in Georgia Republican politics, but if he wants to save face by acting like a real secretary of state and making sure voting integrity can be salvaged we should trust but verify everything he does until his term is over.